Chapter 1: the girl

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I just finished the movie and it was AWESOME so I decided to do a reader insert. No hates! If you do, I don't care! You know what they say, haters gonna hate! So, enjoy!
I don't own- Maze Runner
The pictures
Or You (you own yourself)
The only thing I do own - is the plot line
Now enjoy!

Your P.O.V

My head is pounding. Its dark and I can barely see anything. I look up, a faint light could be seen through bars... Am I in a cage? I decided not to panic, I don't really see anything to panic about. I mean, there doesn't appear to be any danger, it looks like I'll reach the surface soon.

I sit down and lean against the cage wall, I begin to question myself, 'who am I?'....... 'What's my name?'........ What is my name?....


'(Y/n)... Is that my name?... I like it..'

The cage suddenly jerked to a stop, the top opened up and a bright light blinded me for a moment. I blinked a few times to allow my eyes to adjust, when I could finally see correctly the first thing I notice is that there are a bunch of boys starring at me... What? Have they never seen a girl before?.... Where are the girls?.... Oh God, don't tell me I'm the only one! Keep calm.. Just wait till I get out of this thing, maybe there are other girls waiting somewhere else.... I hope....

The boys looked down at me, observing me, which slightly freaked me out. A boy with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes hops down into the cage with me. I take a step back just in case, he raises his hands, "Relax." He says with an accent, "I come in peace."

"Why can't I remember anything?" I ask.

"Who knows. Same thing happened to all of us. You'll get your name back in a couple of days, it's the only thing the-"

"(Y/n)" I interrupt.


"My name. It's (Y/n)."

He looks surprised at first, I guess no one got their name that quickly. "Well then, (Y/n). My names Newt."

Newt helps me out of the cage, I stand up and try to look at my surroundings but my view is blocked by a wall of boys wherever I turn, which is seriously freaking me out. I don't even bother to wait for Newt, I burst through their barrier and start running as fast as I can, my long hair flying behind me like a (h/c) flag. I faintly hear one of the boys behind me yell, "We've got a runner!". I notice that the entire place is surrounded by a giant wall, I instantly run towards one of the large gaps in the walls. I now notice that some of the boys are chasing me and trying to stop me, one of them being Newt. A few boys run in front of me in attempt to slow me down, but I would just side step them and keep running. A few of them even attempted to tackle me, but I jumped over them or ducked under them depending on where they were aiming to grab me.

Soon enough I was at the entrance, I look behind me to find practically every boy in the entire place trying to stop me, "Stop! Don't go in there! It's a maze! It's dangerous!" Newt yells.

Dangerous? What's so dangerous about a maze? Aren't mazes supposed to be fun?

Despite his cries I ran into the maze. I noticed that none of them would follow me in, I ran for a little while longer. Taking random turns, climbing up onto platforms, jumping from those platforms and grabbing onto the surprisingly strong ivy. Soon enough, I was out of breath, my lungs were burning, my hands hurt from the climbing I did, and my legs hurt from running so long. I sit down and lean against a wall, trying to catch my breath, that's when the sudden realization hit me..... I was lost..... I slightly banged my head against the stone wall, "(Y/n), you are an idiot. Why did you go so far into the frickin maze?!"

I suddenly heard footsteps. I snapped my head in the direction I heard them, I slowly backed up, 'keep calm (y/n). It's probably one of the boys that tried to stop me. I should probably go with them, I can't exactly stay in this maze forever.... Even if I'm the only girl there.'

I then hit a wall behind me.... Wait a minute... A wall? It's supposed to be a strait pathway behind me!

I whip my head around to find a boy with spiky black hair, he grabs my shoulders to prevent me from running, "Who are you? What the hell are you doin' in here?!" He asks.

"One, the names (Y/n), and two, I could ask you the same thing!"

"I'm allowed here! You're not! Are you the latest greenie?"

"The latest what?"

"The most recent person to come up from the box!"

"The box? Oh, that cage I arrived in? Yeah I just got out of it like 10 minutes ago."

"And how'd you get IN the maze? How'd you get so far in the maze in that short amount of time?"

"I ran. A boy named Newt helped me out, I bolted as soon as I stood up."

"And no one stopped you? Tried to tackle you even?"

"They tried, I was to fast, and as for the ones who tried to tackle me, I dodged them. Where are all the girls?"

"Impressive... And your the only one. Why'd you run? I get it, you were scared weren't you?"

"No, I wasn't scared! I was freaked out! Being surrounded by a bunch of hormonal teenage boys, you expect me to stay calm?"

"We're gentleman, boys, not savage barbarians."

"Not seein' a difference."

"We'll continue this chat later. Right now we need to leave. The maze doors are gonna close soon."


"Try to keep up!"

Soon enough, he starts to run, I start to run after him since I don't want to be stuck in this maze overnight. It wasn't to hard to keep up with him, in fact, I had to slow down a bit in order to let him lead. But he didn't even notice, in a few minutes, we were nearing the Maze entrance, but it was closing. "Faster!" I yell and run ahead of him.

"How in blazes name are you doing that?!" he yells at me.

"Just keep running!!"

He suddenly trips and falls, I stop and run back to where he was, "Just go without me!" he says.

"You're crazier than I thought if you think I'm leavin' you here!"

I pull him up and start dragging/running,with him behind me. I swing him in front of me and push him out the doors before leaping through myself. I sigh in relief as I watch the doors close the last few inches... Any longer and I would've been a pancake.... I wonder if they have pancakes here? Do any of them even know how to cook?.... I'm off topic aren't I?

I smile, still catching my breath, I look at the boy with spiky hair, "Now that.. Was fun" I say.

"You're crazy!" he says.

"And proud of it! Never got your name by the way."

".... It's Minho"

"Nice to meet ya Minho!"

It took me a minute to process the fact that a whole bunch of boys were surrounding me and Minho. One of them being Newt, who was glaring at me intensely..........











.... I'm in trouble aren't I?
How's that for a first chapter? Hope you enjoyed!  ^~^
~ Tori <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2015 ⏰

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