Chapter 26 | back to Atlanta

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To be honest I'm a little bit scared of Jo. I mean she is a little over dramatic, but that are just hormones and I'm scared if I tell her she will leave me or something. that's also one of my biggest fears. But I don't want to tell Jo. We get in a Uber when we walked out the house and drove to the airport. I rearranged the tickets to a earlier flight. We could just make it on time. When we're in the plain Jo is glued on me or something. She is always kind of distant except when we go to sleep. But it get it, it's rough. Before we got in the plain I texted Anna we got in a plain to Atlanta. After that I put my phone in airplane modes and leave it that way. Jo falls a sleep and I'm kind of happy. She needs to rest, for the baby, stress is no good for the baby, and the last days she only had stress.

When we get out of the plain Jo is very tired and whines that she wants to sleep. I tell her to wait a minute but she doesn't stop whining. I turn my air plains modes of and see that anna texted and said she is waiting for us. Me and Jo walk outside and try to avoid as much paparazzi as we can. When we see Anna we both get in the back and she drives.

"So everything is okey with the to of you?" Anna asks.
"Yes everything is fine even better too."
"O yeah what is the big news then?" She asks.
"Jo is-."
"Getting fat!" Jo says and cries. O my lord!
"Jo stop crying, it's okey it's just what it is."
"I don't get it." Anna asks.
"Jo is pregnant."
"O my god! Congratulations! Do you two know the gender?"
"No, she is only pregnant for 3 to 4 weeks now."
"And I'm already  getting fat!"
"O no Jo that's just pregnancy, and it is worth it believe me." Anna says and that makes Jo smile a little. I think it's good for Jo to have someone that is experienced with pregnancy.

Later that we're in the hotel Anna says we need to disguise a lot. We are sitting there and just listening and I see that Jo is bored out of her mind, normally she does like she is paying attention but with these pregnancy hormones she doesn't know the word shame. Anna told us we need to do the lake scene, Tessa's dream, the wedding scene, The roof scene and the party scene as fast as possible cause Jo has a little bumb but you can't really see that when she's wearing clothes but with these scenes they show Jo her whole body. When we're in our hotel room Jo goes to lay in bed.

"Are you tired?" I ask her.
"Should we tell the cast?" I think it's better that we do.
"I guess." She sounds really tired, I pull of my shirt and pants and lay down next to Jo.
"You need to sleep."
"Hmm." She hymns and then falls a sleep. Not many minutes later I get a text from Felix, I'm not mad at him and I'm not mad at my sister either but what she did wasn't smart, I mean normally Jo can take that shit but she's pregnant and Mercy knew that.

Felix🚀: Jo bro, uhm Mercy is really upset and she wants to call Jo and apologize, but she doesn't have Jo's number. I don't know what time it is there so text me when you get this.

Hero🚀: Jo bro, Jo is a sleep now, she's really tired but I'll text you when she wakes up.

Felix🚀: Sounds good, goodnight bro.

Hero🚀: Goodnight

I go and try to sleep but it takes 40 minutes to finally close my eyes.

*sorry for the long waiting, i was just very busy. But I hope you enjoy this and don't forget to vote and comment!*

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