ranking and festives

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It seemed as luck would have it that she wouldn't get her wish of it happening before Halloween but the night of Halloween right before the feast. Of course before that she was able to get Draco to tell her what he had done earlier; she had yelled his ears off when she learned that he was going to ignore a challenge duel which he initiated. But then she made him go to Professor Snape and tell him everything, and he removed three points and then gave her five points for taking control of the situation before it got worse. When they got back to the common room the King of the Pit told her that she would be ranked among her peers.

Vera only looked on; she tried to converse energy by not casting large amounts of magic. She mainly worked with her body and avoided the spells until her opponent was exhausted and then send a simple expelliarmus and took their wand. First it was just the omegas, then sigmas, and kappa as the lower categories they were low in both magical reserves as well as having poor repertoires for spell casting. It was no wonder why they were the lowest in the house if they were beaten by a few basic maneuvers that are taught to all physical trainers such as karate and taekwondo senseis.

Catching sight of her fellow year mates, they seemed enraptured by her delicate moves and graceful flow. Not to seem egotistical but Vera almost preened at the awe and admiration in their eyes. She had been told that almost all of her class mates had been above alpha and had gotten to fight in the royal court. Except for Crabbe and Goyle, but then again they seemed to only be good for muscle and intimidation, a useful skill but not something eleven year olds need at the moment.

But it wasn't the time to be thinking about the others, she thought to herself as a stunner hit the wall not even three inches from her left ear. She was fighting against the last of the Deltas having beat the Gammas and Phis, who were only slightly better than the lower caste of students. The middle caste had a little more fluidity to their movement and their fighting styles seemed to have grown but then again most of those in the middle class were fourth and fifth years. A small bombarda to the ground in front of her opponent had him flying across the common room and into the wall.

The she had almost bested everyone in the house, it was only two categories and then the four royal court members and then she would be done. Of course, she would make it look like she barely bested the high rulers of Slytherin but she would not be under anyone control unless she gave them that power over her.

The betas were strong both physically and magically but they were all seemed to be mainly stocky and lacked any sort of movement or even the intelligence that informed them that they were allowed to move around in a duel. There were about six or seven members to the Betas a lot less compared to average ten to twelve members of the other groups. Although group wise, the alphas were the smallest at only three members, they were supposed to be the more magically strong ones. All three of them were males with lanky builds; their walks were more of a ghost like hovering instead of arrogant gait like the others before them. This group was smarter or they had watched enough to know that she wasn't one to be messed with. The first of the Alphas were Alian Urquhart a second year that was a contradiction. He was known for being ruthless in a fight and having skills surpassing the older students, but then he could also be gentle with the younger years and help them with their homesickness. Looking at trying to find an opening to get in close, Vera noticed the little details of his physical appearance. Chocolate brown eyes that were cold and hard, pale marble skin that had no blemishes, and coal black hair that fell over his left eye slightly, Vera saw his jaw clench almost unnoticeably when a strand of hair obscured his vision. There was her opening.

Taking it as an invitation, Vera bent slightly at the waist and pushed magic through her blood and into her legs – she had never been more grateful for an open core – getting in close to his side, she threw an elbow into his gut. As he bent over winded she went for an uppercut to his jaw, the force of the blow sending him to his back. Pointing her wand at him she disarmed him quickly and the duel was called with her beating the first of the Alpha group.

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