Change of view

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Disclaimer: I own nothing

In one of the reviews someone asked about the Potter's point of view with Vera so I will be addressing that in this chapter by doing their point of view except the fact that I will immediately address is that no one knows that Veratrum Potter and Veratrum Peverell is has the same left eye color. She always keeps her hair in front of her eye so that no one would realize. And don't worry I know all about those few errors that I have with wrong gender pronouns and stuff but I don't feel like taking the chapter down to fix and then post it again. With that taken care of on with the show

Chapter IX

1991- Potter Manor, Berkshire England

It was loud and rambunctious that day which wasn't uncommon. It was Edmund Potter's eleventh birthday and his Hogwarts letter had finally come. Of course no one in the wizarding world every doubted the fact that Edmund Potter was going to actually go to Hogwarts, it was common knowledge everywhere that Edmund was the Boy-Who-Lived and was more powerful than even You-Know-Who. Of course the public doesn't fully understand just how weak and greedy their 'savior' is. After his parents gave up his sister, they continued to only focus on him, along with this they choose a hands-off approach to discipline while giving him everything that he ever wanted – this lead to a very spoilt, greedy, impolite, and entitled child (or at least a child that believed it was entitled).

James and Lily Potter only smiled at each other before turning to watch their pride and joy run around and 'rough-house' with his party guests. They never thought of his twin sister, never pictured her growing up with them, and never wondered if she would be getting a letter just like her 'hero' brother. Lily pecked her husband on the cheek before moving to the room across from the gathering hall that she had left the birthday cake in to get it for her darling son. Looking around the grand castle like manor, Lily thought back to those times were she wished for a daughter, but she couldn't handle another baby while her first born needed her a lot more. Never remembering the daughter she had that she gave up.

Waving her wand in a familiar motion, the cake rose and followed her out the door to the grand hall. Setting it down gently on the table that didn't hold the presents, Lily beamed at the smile that James sent her way, she had never told him about her abortion when Eddy had been five, maybe that baby would have been a girl, but it was six years ago she had to get over it. It had been the right thing to do, that baby probably would have been neglected if they had had them, Eddy just takes that much more precedence over anything else in their life.

James and her were just so happy that...that thing had been removed from the family tapestry early on before Eddy had been old enough to know just who that was on the wall right beside his name and picture with a silver line linking them both to the same parents. But now was not the time to think of that mistake, her focus was for her baby. She was going to let him enjoy his gathering before they headed towards Diagon Alley to get all of his things, for now he was just simply a boy who wanted to have some fun.

Lily smiled at all those around them as they walked down the cobble stone alley. James and Lily had agreed to not give Eddy control of his own vault until he went off to Hogwarts, wanting him to have had a childhood before forcing any sort of responsibility on him like managing money, so their first stop is Gringotts. Walking towards the intimidating building they came upon Albus Dumbledore, greetings were exchanged between the adults and they all began to head towards the white marble structure together.

Lily and James had no idea why Albus was in Diagon, which was actually unusual. The two of them knew that Dumbledore preferred to order and ship whatever he needs so that he didn't have to deal with all of his fans. But Dumbledore wasn't there to shop; he was there to check out a lead about the whereabouts of the forgotten Potter Girl. He never forgot that strange unworldly silver eye of hers, and he wonders what it would mean for his plans. Dumbledore smiled happily towards all those around them as they walked but made sure to appear apologetic when he had to turn them away when they wanted to stall for time and talk to him. He also made sure that it seemed as though he wasn't looking for any money that they wanted to give him in appreciated but that never stopped them from pressing gallons and sickles into his hands as he walked by.

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