July 12, 2019

71 3 0

Haven't had anything good to write in in this journal for some time, until now. I don't know whether that's a good thing or not? Today marks six months since the last mission in Turgistan. Seems like everyone on the team needed a break; not just from our job, but each other. Although, I still cant get enough of those cheeky bastards. I still don't know what number one means when he refers to us as "the Cleavers". Man is he mental at times. It's amazing when I think about all the unbelievably stupid situations I put my self in to end up here. Like that time when I was a teenager and did that sketchy job stealing from the national gallery; barely got away. But in the end I wouldn't change a thing.

After the messy mission in Turgisten, I have more of an appreciation for what I do. Seems like they are more of a family than I had before, coming from a single parent (still love you Ma). For the first time in a long time I feel human for a moment. Number seven put the team on the spot asking what my name was; I lied obviously. The only thing I could come up with in that moment was the name I give every bit "Billy". He ate it up, I was relieved. I have too much respect for number one and kind of understand the morals behind not knowing each others names. Although, I can be hypocritical; I like to break the rules also.

Talking about breaking the rules, I've had a fancy on number five for quite some time. I man up the courage and asked if she would join me on a mountain climbing trip. Was a success, since she's here sleeping next to me a top Angels Landing, Utah. I know our boss would kill us if he ever found out. But being a ghost can be hard on the health or just plain lonely. We broke the rules, but we know we still have a job to do. She told me she enjoys my company. A small bit of happiness won't hurt no one, right? This is one of my favorite places to hide out after mission; quiet and secluded from the rest of the world. Seems even more relaxing bringing someone here with me; A big change after the chaos we as the ghosts seem to get into. After this trip I plan on spending some time in Spain where number five can enjoy the secluded beaches and I can map out the city with my parkour routes, you never know where a mission will take you. And i'll be one step ahead.

I'm grateful number one won't ever see this journal or for the fact no one will. This seems to help keep me from going mental and remind me that just because I'm a "ghost" I'm still alive. Like a rock thrown into a lake, who know where I'll land? But I'll be ready.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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