Hey guys, this is a new and upcoming story that I shall be working on throughout this year.
I hope you will enjoy it thouroughly and tell people, share it, like it, love it, love me, and above all, my characters.
Briar Rose.
Briar Rose is somewhat, an extra-unordinary kind of girl. She has a tendency to go about looking for murderers. She likes to bring people to their end, either jail, or death. Some people would call her a hero, but some call her satans' spawn. To others, whilst she is like this, she is called Thorn. The mask she wears disguises her and who she really is. - A girl who is attending Silver High School as a girl who is some mystery and talk almost every month.
Briar doesnt actually have a family. And that is how her life all started. The second her parents were murdered the moment she walked into her own house, seeing her parents bodies lying there with blood pooling around them. She saw a person holding a shiny, yet blood clad blade in their hand, a tight grip around it. That was the day that she vowed to put her parents killer to end.
Dylan Sparks.
Dylan Sparks is the type of person who, - lets put it as - egoistical. Self-absorbed, player, fighter- You name it. He has always known that there is something about Briar Rose that brings a glint to his eye. She is a mystery. He is a troublemaker.
Dylan has an interest in many girls, his fighting, his life. His friends are closely involved too - Leo and Ross. Leo is a pretty good fighter, and Ross is more of the peace keeper of the three. But one thing everyone can clearly see they all have in common is their... choice in the female kind.
Who knows, what if the two aren't as different as they expect. Not everyone has a way of life. Not everyone is the same, yet it always ends up going down one of many paths.