Chapter 1

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Courtney Pov


"Everyone is laid off effective immediately"

My heart sank to the very bottom of my feet when I heard Ian read that email.

I subconsciously looked around to find comfort in the bright blue eyes I love so much.

Its only then I remember Shayne is not here right now. I look over at Olivia and take her hand. A tear ran down her face. We hugged and did not let go for a while.

It was only a couple of hours, but nobody seemed sad anymore. There had been about 5 alcohol runs already and we were running low again. I stood over by my desk with an empty white claw looking over some documents that I won't have to finish.

All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder and I whipped around. Shayne stood there with a 6 pack of beer in his hands.

"Hey, How you holding up?" He asked

"I'm alright, Mostly because of the booze" I joked

Shayne rolled his eyes and pulled me in for a hug. He tried to pull away but I stopped him.

"Not yet" I mumbled.

"I have an idea that might make you feel a bit better, It will be really fun"

I raised an eyebrow. "Okay"

I did not even care what it was, I just wanted to be with him. A couple of months ago ago I realized I liked Shayne. More than a like. It sounded so dumb to say that. I sound like a middle schooler. But I really did love him. He had this effect on me I can't explain and I could not get him out of my head. Just the sight of him makes my knees weak. But i am 100% sure the feelings are not reciprocated.

I followed him down the dimly lit hallways. He handed me a beer and I took it. I really had not had that much to drink yet surprisingly.

He turned into the CEO of Defy Media's office.

"What the hell are we doing here?" I asked suspiciously.

"Wait here, I'll be right back"

A minute later he returned with two plungers we played with sometimes.

He stood in front of the computer monitor and threw the plunger at it. It stuck just off centre.
"Wow, Impressive shot" I said
He winked at me and I could barely contain myself. God, The things that boy does to me.
"Wanna try?"

I smiled at him as our fingers brushed as I took the plunger. I aimed for the second monitor and hit it dead centre. 

"Damn, your okay, but I'm amazing at this." Shayne said teasingly, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. 

"Your so DUMB!"

I came at him with a swatting hand. He fought back but a couple seconds later he stopped reciprocating and we just stood there a bit awkwardly inches apart. He moved his hand from grasping my wrist to my lower back. My breath caught and our eyes flicked to each others lips. Before I even knew what was happening, we were leaning in and our lips met. And just at that light touch, the shock straight sobered me up. Moving closer, I deepened the kiss and slightly parted my lips. While our tongues danced in each others mouths, Shayne backs me up into the desk. His hands graze my ass as he picks me up on to the table. 

All time was lost until we hear shouts coming from down the hall. We quickly separated breathless. 

"Holy fuck" I heard him say

"Mmhm" I mumbled

"We should get back to everyone" Shayne said avoiding eye contact and fixing his messed up hair. 

I nodded and did the same. 

Without another word we awkwardly went back to the main room.


Hey guys! Well, heres chapter one. I'm going to try and avoid going in to detail too much for any kind of smuttier scene because they are real people and I feel a bit weird. But other than that, I'm going to do Shaynes POV next chapter or maybe a mix, cause I'm not a guy and they think differently. 

Please comment any requests and I will try my best to do it. 

Love you!


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