prologue and chapter 1

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"Ms.Stanley...Ms.Stanley!" My teachers annoying voice broke me away from my daydreaming. "Happy to have you join us again, would you be so kind and actually listen to my lecture today?" He asked and I nodded my head. He glared but continued speaking, "as I was saying..." I drifted off again in a matter of seconds.

Today was the last day of school for me. The sad thing is I'm not even going to my own graduation. My parents kicked me out of the house last night. So now I have all of my clothes and other belongings, which isn't much, sitting in my car. I only have two thousand bucks to my name. After school I;m going to look for an apartment and then a job. Hopefully all goes well...

The bell rand and I slowly walked to the parking lot. I already got my diploma, having told the principal my situation. He didn't give me much trouble. I made my way to my pride and joy, my 1989 chevy camaro. It was a glossy black with light blue and dark blue flames on the front and up the sides.

I got in and dropped my school bag on top of some clothes in the passenger seat. My baby purred to life as I turned the key making everyone look at me. I didn't care, this was the last time that I would ever see anyone of them again. I took off down the road hoping that I could do this on my own.


One week later...

"Goodnight Jamie!"

"Night Boss see ya Monday!!" I hollered back at him as I left out the back door locking it. I made my way back to my apartment. It was only about two blocks from the restaurant. Boss man hired me on the spot when I walked in a week ago. Now I'm living in my one bedrooom apartment and waiting tables Monday throught Friday. I make pretty good tips, and the people I work with are fairly friendly. Today is Friday so no work tomorrow which means I get to sleep late.

Walking back home with my hands in my jeans pocket I start humming out loud. The back alleys are dark and empty. I made my way slowly to my apartment, not really wanting to be alone. 'Maybe I'll get a cat or something...'

Almost home I hear a deep growl coming from my right. I let out a small gasp and turn towards it. After a few seconds a big black dog steps out into the light. His eyes are a piercing blue and his coat a glossy black.

"I'm not gonna hurt you boy, I'm just passing through." I said slowly backing away. THe dog huffed and started to step towards me. He didn't look mean, but I didn't want to take any chances so I stayed put. He cocked his head to the side and started sniffing the air between us. I put my hand out for him to sniff and he came forward. After a second he licked my hand and started wagging his tail.

Letting out a little giggle I straightened up. "Well come on boy let's go home." The dog looked like he smiled, and then started following me.

After a few minutes we made it to my apartment. I dropped my keys and put all of my tips in my money jar. It's getting pretty full, maybe I'll go open a checking account or something.

I walked into my small kitchen and took out some leftover spaghetti to eat. The dog came and sat by me waiting. "Hmm... do you eat it cold or warm?" I asked the dog. I laughed lightly when I realized I asked a dog that. 'Warm please' I heard in my mind. My eyes widened slightly but I guess it's just me being tired.

I warmed up two plates though, you never know. We started eating, me at the small table and him on the floor. We both finished at the same time. He wagged his tail happily when I picked up his plate. I quickly washed the dishes then went take a bath, leaving the dog to explore.

The second I stepped under the spray of water my muscles started to relax. Today was a busy day, especially since I had to work a double shift. I didn't mind though, it gave me something to do.

After a few minutes in the shower I started to sing, any and every song that came to mind... sometimes just pieces of the song.


After I ate the spaghetti I started looking around the place. It seemed cozy and would do for the night. I needed a place to stay for the night, and when the girl came alonf it seemed a good idea.

So here I am, sitting outside her bathroom door listening to her beautiful voice as she sings in the shower. I should be worrying about other matters, like if my father sent any of the pack after me. I'm not ready to be alpha yet, not ready for an arranged marriage. Yes that's right I'm a werewolf.

After another ten minutes the shower stopped. I heard her still singing and smiled at that. She came out after another minute wearing only a towel that she was barely holding onto. I licked my lips as she came closer to me. Her long legs exposed and glistening from the water. Her long brown hair was wet and was spread out against her back. My wolf wanted her, and wanted her bad.

I followed after her into the only bedroom. She grabbed some clothes out of her dresser and set them on the bed. The towel dropped to the floor exposing the rest of her lovely body.

What I didn't expect under the towel was all of the scars... Her enitre back was filled with them and also her stomach and arms. Who in the world did this to her! My wolf growled in anfer and she looked at me with her light green eyes suprised.

"It's okay boy." She said soothingly. I instantly relaxed  and watched her quickly get dressed. She wore only a t-shirt and a pair od sexy black thongs. I couldn't help myself, I walked up to her and started licking her upper thighs. Her musical laughter filled the room and she tried to push me away. I let her push me away and she went and turned the light off.

She made her way towards the bed and crawled in under the blankets. I hopped up on the bed and she held the covers open for me to get under. I snuggled up to her and licked her cheek when she wrapped her arms around me. "Goodnight..." She spoke soflty and started to drift off to sleep. I sighed and thought 'goodnight love' before I too fell asleep.


Jamie's POV

I sighed and remembered the deep voice that I heard in my head before I fell asleep las night. It said 'goodnight love' and caused me to fall asleep smiling, then again it could have just been a dream. I snuggled closer to my dog. He didn't even smell like a dog, but like a mam with really good smelling cologne. 'Too bad he couldn't be a man' I thought as I started to wake up more. Then again I don't really need a man. Though it would be nice to be taken care of for a change.

The second I opened my eyes I was covered in kisses, doggy kisses that is.  I wiped my face off and started laughing. "Well goodmorning to you to." I said as I pushed the covers off of me. The dog barked with a grin on his face. "You know, you need a name if your going to stay here. Hmm... what shall I call you?"

'My name is Jason but you can call me Jay.' My eyes widened and I looked at the dog.

"D..Did you... just say that?!" I took a step back from the dog.

'Oh shit!! You can hear me?!' That same deep husky voice said.

"Well yeah, is this a dream?" I tried pinching myself but it didn't work. "Please tell me I'm not turning into Dr. Dolittle..."

The dog laughed when I said that. His deep laughter sending shivers throught my body. 'I'm not exactly entirely sure how you can hear me...' Jay said mostly to himself.

I sat down on the bed. "Okay that makes two of us... but I'll try to pretend that this is normal. You said your name was Jay?"

'Okay, I'll go along with your plan I suppose. Yes that is what I'd like you to call me please." He said.

I inhaled shakily trying to take this in. Looking down I realized I was in my night clothes still. I got off the bed and threw some jogging pants and socks on, and slipped on my running shoes. "Well Jay, would you like to go for a run then?" I put my favorite knife in it's holster on my ankle, and then slipped my 9 mm pistol behind my back in my other holster.

"Umm yeah sure... but what's with all the heat?" he asked curiously.

"Oh well that's just for protection... I mean did you see where I live?" I said nervously. "It's not exactly the friendliest neighborhood."

"True..." He answered and we made our way outside quietly together.

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