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"_____! What's wrong?" Connie kept trying to cheer you up because you started crying suddenly.

Tears kept flowing down and Connie was getting concerned. He ran to the kitchen to see if the food would do the trick.

Grabbing your favorites he went back a handful of food and placed them down in front of you.

He opened a bar of chocolate and handed it to you. You looked at the sweet bar with puffy eyes.

"Chocolate?" You sniffed, grabbing it from his hands. You took a bite and you started crying again.

"Why are you crying again? I thought you loved chocolate!" Connie panicked

You took more bites out of the bar until you reached the end. The wrapper fell off of your hands while you tried to open another snack that Connie brought.

You kept munching on the food given. Your loud cries became small sobs. He felt relaxed. Finally! He's still worried that you might cry again though.

After a moment of silence, you went out for the kitchen holding your drinks. Taking a/an (Beverage) in hand. Gulping it down, gulp by gulp. Though it was empty, you still wanted more. Taking another drink and finishing it.

Connie watched you with nervous eyes while you looked at him with your tired ones. You were too tired for this. Throwing yourself on the couch, you let out a long yawn. Resting your head on your arm, you've closed your eyes.

Connie took your blanket and went to you, making sure you were comfy sleeping. You smiled as you tugged on the covers. He planted a kiss on your forehead before preparing himself when you wake up.

Later on, you blinked your eyes open. Sitting up, you felt a warm pair of arms wrap around you.

"How was your nap?" He asked

"It was good. What did you do?"

"Oh! I just made sure you were comfy so I..."

"Is that how the blanket got here?"

"Of course! I do love you after all!"

Connie went closer until your lips were almost as close to each other. You closed the distance for a sweet kiss. You pulled away with a grin on your face.

"Can we watch (Fave. Show) before dinner please?" You said, cuddling up to him.

"Alright, we'll have dinner while watching in a few minutes. I'll prepare the food, okay?"


-A few minutes later...-

"_____! I got the food!"

"Yay! But... You missed the best parts..."

"Nah, it's okay! As long as you're happy, I'm happy too."

"Heheh. Okay! Let's continue watching."

When You're On Your Period!| AOT Boys X [Fem] ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now