Chapter Twenty Eight

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Jang-Mi walked into the school with dark glasses on and a coffee cup in her hand. Stupid Hangover. She walked to her locker and took some headache tablets out and had them with water.

"GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!" Dohwa screamed into her ear. He did that on purpose I'll kill him!

"Not so loud. My head is spinning" she grumbled holding her head. Why did Ara make me come to school!


"Good morning sleeping beauty. I hope the club was fun but school calls you" she said walking into Jang-Mi's room with food and orange juice. Jang-Mi sat up and held her head.

"You're not mad?"

"Nah. You Atleast told me you were with your friend and Dohwa found you so I'm cool, doesn't mean you won't be going to school though"

Jang-Mi sighed and threw the blankets over her head and moaned.

End of flashback

Dohwa walked her to class and smiled.


She punched his arm. "I know you enjoyed screaming into my ear jackass"

"I'd do it again gladly" he smiled ruffling her hair and walking off. She glared at him behind her dark glasses and sipped her coffee.



Jang-Mi sat on the chair next to Danoh and watched the rest of her class in the pool. Thank god I'm not in the water I feel like death. Kyung walked up to them and she immediately felt sick, she stood up and ran towards the nearest bin and threw up Her breakfast.

"Stupid Hangover" did the writer just allow me to avoid a cringe scene between Kyung and Danoh! He does have a heart.


She wiped her mouth and walked back into the pool area, she arrived in the pool area to see Haru throw Kyung into the pool.

"Well ain't karma a bitch" she laughed and walked towards the scene.

He screamed in anger and hit the water, Jang-Mi stood infront of him and crouched down.

"What goes around comes back around. Two timing jerk" she threw water in his face and walked off. He stared at the girl walking off heartbroken.


"Let's have a race for ice cream! Select one swimmer from your class" Soochul exclaimed getting everyone's attention. Namju walked forward for our class. Obviously.

Stage Jang-Mi nudged Dohwa. "You can totally beat him" she whispered, he nodded and walked forward. BEAT HIM DOHWA!

"Guys maybe you should choose another swimmer?"

"And maybe you should shut up if you want to keep your teeth." Jang-Mi replied, rubbing her forehead slightly.

She stood by Juda who held her friend's arm,She smiled at the girl. I missed my Juju!

"No I will do it" Dohwa replied looking at the two girls. Juda and her up their fists.

Namju turned to look at both of them,Juda lowered her fists but Jang-Mi didn't and smirked.

"Im so confident that Dohwa will win,that I'll take the whole grade out to celebrate his victory" SUPPORT YOUR BESTIEEEE! She smiled at Dohwa as the class cheered.

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