Chapter Three

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(I wrote this Chapter on Red Velvet's Anniversary #6yearswithredvelvet🥺❤️)

The time skips were giving Jang-Mi and Ara a head ache.

"Aish can't this writer actually write instead of continuously skipping? I've lost track of the days" The teenager complained to her older sister who was drinking in the kitchen.

"You're telling me. My head is spinning and it's not the whiskey doing that. Atleast Lily is enjoying everything"

Over the past few days the sisters had all being so busy. Ara had been running around between the three hospitals the family owned and attending meetings with her mothers family company. Lily has started her Violin lessons with Dohwa,joined her primary schools baseball league and track and field. Out of all the sisters it was Jang-Mi who was getting beaten up the most physically and literally. She had started boxing at a gym and boy were the girls there showing their skills, she had more bruises on her than skin. She was on the soccer team which didn't help with bruising either.

"I know that Namju's father is mums brother and they went into the fashion industry together,but oh my gosh I'd like to hit him on the head" Ara complained an poured another shot of whiskey, "and the hospital boards treat me like I'm an idiot. Both my fathers worked in the hospitals and I studied law and business in the same years. Yet if I was a man I'd be respected but I'm looked down on cause I have breasts." She downed the shot and re-filled.

"Sometimes I forget that you have different parents..." Jang-Mi whispered avoiding her sisters eyes. She watched her down the shot and pour another one.

"If I'm being honest with you so do I. My biological mother abandoned my father and I when I was one and my dad he tried really hard to compensate for that. When he passed away all he asked was if dad could make sure I was okay. Mum and Dad did more than that for me me." She whispered pouring more whiskey and drinking it.


The buzzer went off and Jang-Mi went to open it, Lee Dohwa stood there with a goofy smile on his face and waved.

"I'm not late for Lily's lesson right?" He said stepping in and removing his shoes.

Lily practically ran down the stairs her violin in hand and a massive smile on her face when she saw her teacher, she ran and hugged the older boy.

"Dohwa oppa I started practicing before you came. I think I've mastered it" she started playing and it sounded like nails on a chalk board. When she was finished she looked up at the boy and her sister with a smile on her face.

"Well it looks like you have you work cut out for you" Jang-Mi said patting Dohwa on the back. "Oh and Ara said you're staying for dinner so enjoy your lesson while we cook"

Dohwa smiled at the girl as she walked off to the kitchen and when he stopped looking at her he was met with a smirk from Lily.

"Oppa I thought you were here to teach me but clearly you have other reasons. I'm not surprised though" He looked at the 8 year old and blinked before going to her room to practice.


Dohwa and the sisters had finished their dinner and desert. Jang-Mi was walking him to their gate.

"Thank you again Dohwa for agreeing to be Lily's teacher, she acts tough but I know she's sad about our parents and the move,but she's really enjoying her time with you." She said with a slight smile and tucked her hair behind her ears.

"You and her are very alike. You're also acting tough, it's okay not to be okay Jang-Mi. You have me if you need someone to talk to and these strong shoulders to cry on if you need to" He wiggled his shoulders causing the girl to giggle at his foolishness.

"I know and I appreciate it but I'm a big girl I can handle myself." She said smiling at him. The two stared at each other with smiles on their faces. The writer better not try any funny business between us. I swear I'll kill him.

Dohwa cleared his throat breaking their trance. Oh thank god for Lee Dohwa being an awkward potato. He adjusted his violin case.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow Jang-Mi" The girl nodded and waved to the boy as he left.


Jang-Mi was sitting in class watching all her peers stressing over papers. She turned and saw Namju reading a textbook and when she looked at her table all her notes and textbooks were in front of her. Was today midterms? As she leaned forward her body started aching, what was going on.

"Take it easy Jang-Mi you had a hectic training session yesterday" Namju said to her gently. She nodded.


She looked at the board and saw today was the English mid term. Which she'd ace since she stayed in America for 10 years her English was better than her teachers. She heard Eun Danoh muttering about how she was supposed to be writing korean, but she ignored it.


The English mid terms were over, and she was walking out the class with Namju when Baek Kyung came towards the pair.

"Ya Park Jang-Mi why have you been avoiding me?" He stopped the girl grabbing her wrist that was bandaged up. It's a stage great so I can't tell him to let go of my injured wrist.

"I haven't been avoiding you, I've been busy and you're grabbing my injured wrist. I wouldn't mind you releasing it" she said with a sarcastic smile on her face. Wow go Stage me you tell him girl!

The boy looked slightly shocked but released his grip on her wrist and scratched the back of his neck. What was he supposed to say now? He didn't think this through.

"I'm going to lunch with Namju care to join us? We can catch up while we eat it'll be fun." She flashed a smile at the boy who nodded and followed them.

The three walked into the cafeteria and found Dohwa waiting for them,Jang-Mi could hear everyone talking about A4. What the hell is A4. The boy walked to the front of the line and Jang-Mi followed they were each handed their food.

When it was Jang-Mi's turn to get dried squid the chef handing it out dropped the spoon and stared at her with his mouth open. Ahh he must be member four of A4. He is cute. Jang-Mi smiled at him and bowed slightly before walking off.

She sat by A3's table and ate. So the cute guy serving food cooked this hmm do I smell husband material?

So I only realized how much goes down in the first episode now😅I'll be breaking it up into different chapters because this chapter was already 1100+ words.
Stream Nunu Nana,Monster and Naughty ❤️
Lots of love

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