chapter 4

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As I walked back into my room, I decided that I didn't want to paint anymore because I could no longer think straight. I picked up my rose gold iPhone 6s and scrolled through my Instagram feed when I realized that it was already 6:00. At that moment, I grabbed my oversized light blue sweater with some high waisted black jeans. I put on some light makeup and gloss. I let my long jet black hair sway against my waist as I slipped on my pearl white shoes.

When Minho finally came to pick me up, he apologized for being late, which he was by 11 minutes to be exact, but I wasn't listening to him apologize. I was simply stunned by his outfit. Minho's hair looked messy but still lovely; he was wearing all black, with a particularly big sweater.

"After you," Minho stated while opening the passenger door of his black, four-door truck. I hopped as he quickly shut the metal door and made his way around the car.

"Don't forget your seat belt," he voiced in a lower tone. When did he start becoming such a gentleman, I thought to myself just when I strapped the seat belt into the buckle. Once he started driving, he turned on the radio and asked what I wanted to listen to while flipping through the stations. We finally agreed that classical jazz music would fill the car.

Once we got to the movies, Minho ordered a large popcorn, so we could share, and 2 medium-sized drinks.

"I remembered your favorite soda, Y/N," he remarked in a rather flirtatious manner, "yah, you always liked Dr. Pepper for some odd but interesting reason. You are interesting, not in a bad way, but in a good way." I noticed his smirk, as Minho stated that he found me amusing.

"Yah! Stop being weird! It's creepy." I hollered over the voices of the people around us. Minho then went to fill his empty cup with some cherry cola, and slowly made his way back over to me. He giggled at the sight of me, pouring the fresh Dr. Pepper into my bright red cup.

Immediately once we were both done getting our drinks, we made our way down the dark corridor to get to our movie. Minho let me lead the way, but just as I was about to turn into our movie room, I stumbled on another girl who was texting very violently. We suddenly crashed into each other, making us both fall onto the hard, wooden floor.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I mumbled as I tried to wipe off the Dr. Pepper I had just poured, which was now all over my favorite sweater. The girl quickly got up and left right away, with no apology said.

I quickly ran into the bathroom, hoping that the Dr. Pepper stain didn't look too noticeable. It was a fairly decent size stain, large enough to see it clearly from a few feet away. I searched for my phone to call my sister, and she could ride her bike here and give me another sweater. Shit, I thought, I had forgotten my phone at home. As a solution, I covered the stain by wrapping my arms around my stomach. I leave the restroom even less confident than I did when I walked in.

I instantly directed my attention to Minho, who was now holding two drinks and a large box of popcorn.

"Hey, I got you another drink," Minho smiled as he gave me my new drink, "and also," he put down all of the things he was carrying and began to take off his bulky sweater, "here you go, you know to cover the stain.".

I looked at him with a confused expression, but I took the sweater anyway. "Uh, thanks, but this doesn't change the fact that I still hate you." I declared while putting on Minho's jacket and giving him a little smirk.

"Yahhh, you can't tell me you hate me and then give me a flirty little glance!" Minho announced in the act of walking toward our movie.

Once we got into the theater, we searched for our seats, G10 and G11. I led the way to our places, Minho followed closely behind. We both snuggled into our seats and watched the newest previews flash on the screen.

* a magical time skip because it would be boring if I lowkey wrote about watching the movie *

"Did you enjoy the movie?" Minho asked exactly when opening the door for me to leave the theater.

"Heck yeah! I love comedy movies!" I squealed, "What about you, did you like it?" I then began throwing all of our trash in the trash bin and headed towards the front double doors.

"Yeah, I thought it was enjoyable," Minho never really got into comedy movies as I did, he liked the action, "Plus it was so funny when you did you snort-laugh." he giggled.

The ride to my house was an awkward one. We both didn't know what to say to each other.

"Well, bye." I waved my hand goodbye just as I was going to open the door when suddenly Minho pulled me in for a kiss! I quickly pushed him away. "What are you doing? I told you I didn't want this, like ever. Don't ever talk to me again. Don't even look at me in school." I rapidly scurried out of the car and into my house. What the hell was that, I thought. As soon as I got to my room, Minjung was still awake, but considering it was only 11:30 pm, I wasn't surprised.

"Finally, you're back! My friend's mom dropped me off from camp. How was your date?" She added a wink after she spoke.

"First, it wasn't a date, and with Minho, it will never be a date. Second, he tried to kiss me, but I rejected his advances." I muttered.

"Woa, he tried to kiss you?" I nodded as she blurted out her words, "Hey and you left your phone here, some guy named Jeon Jungkook texted you, do you know him?" Minjung questioned.

"What? Jungkook?" I whispered as I pick up my phone. I'm pretty sure he is one of the popular boys in school, so why would he be texting me, I thought.

authors note - sorry about this chapter, its a mess, but that was literally just the beginning.

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