Chapter 1

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When Lee Know finally awoke, he felt strange.  His brain felt fuzzy, like he was on some form of drug and was unable to think properly and slowing down both his cognitive function as well as his physical movements.  It took him a moment, but when he finally looked around, he noticed that he was in an unfamiliar room.  It was all white and devoid of any form of decoration.  The only items in the room were a bed, which he was currently lying on, and what looked like a drip that you would find in a hospital with a tube coming out of it.  The liquid contained within the bag was not clear, however, but a deep Egyptian blue colour. 

He frowned for a moment before a realisation dawned on him.  His eyes lazily followed the tube from its origin, connected to the drip, to where it was connected to his own arm.  His eyes widened at seeing this.  Up until this point, he hadn't been paying attention to what he was wearing or if there was anything connected to him.  Despite his slowness, he began to realise that the liquid must be the cause of his current condition.  He had to get it out of him.  However, as he tried to lift one of his arms, he realised that he couldn't.  It felt like it was being held in place by something.  He looked down only to see that both his wrists and ankles were strapped to the bed he was on.  He was being restrained for some reason.  Not. Good.

He was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts by the door opening.  A doctor and a nurse walked casually into the room, the doctor carrying a bag of some sort.  Lee Know immediately knew that he was in danger.  He didn't need his telepathy to tell him that, and he didn't even want to try to think about what sort of things that were in the ominous-looking bag gripped tightly in the doctor's hand.
"Ah, Minho, you're awake."  The doctor said simply, a malicious smile on his face.  All the colour drained from Lee Know's face.  He knew something bad was about to happen and he was certain it was going to involve torture of some kind.  All he could hope was that what was about to happen to him wasn't happening to his brothers.

*ATEEZ and Stray Kids house*

Hongjoong and the rest of ATEEZ had been on edge ever since six members of Stray Kids had been taken by District 9.  They had all been suggesting possible ways to rescue them but no concrete plan had come together yet.  Just a bundle of possible ideas.  The main problem was that once people went were taken to District 9, they rarely, if ever, came out alive.  Suddenly, Wooyoung piped up.
"What if I went in just to have a look around?  Camouflaged of course.  San can teleport me there, we can scout the place, and then see if we can find the others."  He suggested.
"Absolutely not.  I'm not losing anyone else."  Hongjoong replied, his voice stern.  Yeosang put a comforting hand on the older boy's shoulder.
"We'll get them out Hongjoong.  Wooyoung was just trying to help."  He said calmly in an attempt to calm the leader down.  Hongjoong's shoulders sagged in defeat and he let out a sigh.
"I know.  I'm just worried about what could be happening to them.  Every horrible scenario possible is running through my head."  Hongjoong replied.
"I understand, but they are strong.  They'll be able to hold on until we get there."  Yeosang said, a small smile on his face at the thought of the strength of not only the group's powers, but also their personalities and drive.  Yeosang himself was concerned for the wellbeing of their six friends, but in his heart he knew that they would get out.  Suddenly, Jongho spoke.
"Yeosang, did you have a vision?"  He asked out of the blue.  All of them looked at Jongho, surprised by his question, but then their attention went to Yeosang.  With a pensive look on his face, Yeosang smiled.
"Yes.  I know the outcome and where it will be, but I do not know when."  He said cryptically.
"What did you see?"  Seonghwa asked him, his tone and expression as serious as the situation they were in.
"I saw Jongho and Wooyoung running out of the front doors of a building, Stray Kids following closely behind.  There were also five other boys with them but I didn't recognise any of them. They all got in what looked like a school bus, but it had been modified.  I'm not sure who was driving but I saw the bus smash through a barrier of what I assume is District 9."  Yeosang explained.  Everyone went silent for a moment.
"Well now we know that we all get out, but how exactly do we get in, and also, how do we find the others?"  San asked, more of a statement than a question.  Before anyone could answer him, Yunho spoke up.
"There's something you're holding back."  Yunho said suddenly, looking straight at Yeosang.
"Jongho was carrying an unconscious Lee Know."  Yeosang said quietly.  Everyone went silent at this, Chan and Felix losing all colour in their faces.
"Will we lose him?"  Chan asked quietly, his tone nervous and his gaze unmoving from Yeosang.  Yeosang looked down at his hands.
"I don't know."  He replied.  His voice was soft, almost a whisper, but the silence in the room was such that everyone clearly heard his reply.

*District 9*

Jeongin was breathing heavily, the room he was way too small than was comfortable for him, especially with his power being super speed.  He had figured out that the room fluctuated in size depending on whether he used his powers or not.  It would stay normal size if he didn't use his powers, but the more he used his powers, the more it would shrink until he stopped again.  He guessed that they had designed the rooms around each of their weaknesses so he could only imagine some of the other rooms that his members would be in.  He was suddenly broken out of his thoughts by a bloodcurdling scream of agony.  That sounded like...Lee Know hyung!  His eyes widened at the scream.  What where they doing to him?  Who was next?  How many times had this happened?  How long would they do this? Questions flew through his head faster than Jeongin running around on a sugar high.  As the screams continued, he could only hope that ATEEZ, Chan hyung and Felix hyung would figure out some way to rescue the six of them soon. 

By the time the nurse and doctor left, Lee Know was barely conscious.  Never in his life had he experienced so much pain.  He could barely think straight between the pain and the liquid that kept his senses clouded and body paralyzed.  They probed his mind with a machine he didn't even know the name or purpose of, but all he knew was that the pain was excruciating and he had felt every moment of it in agonising detail despite his blurred senses.

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