Birthday Boy

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•3rd Person POV•

Yes, it was Midoriya's birthday, but did anyone remember? No.

Midoriya asked Uraraka if she knew what day it was once he arrived at school. "Yeah.. it's Tuesday? Why are you asking Deku?" She responded, oblivious that It was Midoriya's Birthday. "Yeah.... Tuesday..." He responded solemnly.

He walked into class talking to Iida and Uraraka. Earlier, when Iida arrived, he asked the same question to him too. "Yes! It is currently Tuesday at 7:34 a.m Midoriya." Iida stated while waving his hands up and down. "Yep, Thanks Iida." Midoriya responded in the same tone he responded to the brown haired girl in.

Currently, he was walking to class when Midoriya heard his name being called.


He turned around to see Todoroki, the boy he had a crush on since the sports festival. "O-oh Hey T-Todoroki!"

His damn stutter. Embarrassing him in front of his crush. He thought to himself while mentally facepalming.

"Can you meet me up on the rooftop today at lunch? I need to talk to you about something." He asked coldly

"Y-yes, oh course. I'll be there!" Midoriya responded.

"Great. See You there Midoriya." Said the Heterochromia eyed boy stated while walking off.

Great. Just great. As if his day wasn't horrible already, his crush wanted to talk to him on the roof. Alone. He sounded serious too. What would he want with Midoriya?

As soon as his classes had started, they had ended and it was time for lunch. Midoriya slowly packed up his bag, getting ready to head to the rooftop. He was in no rush to get to there, though. Of course he would want to see Todoroki and be alone with him on the roof, but he said he "wanted to talk" which worried the little over-thinkers mind quite a bit. Even though he knew he had done nothing wrong.

He slowly walked up the stairs to the roof, where he opened the door to see Todoroki. And... wow. He looked really... pretty? Handsome? He couldn't pin-point it, but he knew that the way the light hit him and subtle wind in Todoroki's hair made him look even more attractive then he already did.

Crap. He felt his face heat up and him beginning to go red in the face.

Before Midoriya could speak, Todoroki said something that eased his heart beat just a bit.

"Hello Midoriya. Before you freak out, I just wanted to quickly tell you something and give you a small gift that I think you should have."

Now, Instead of worrying, he was excited and interested in what Todoroki had to say. He quickly looked at his shoes to hide his small blush and smile.

"I- Okay, here goes nothing."

Midoriya quickly whipped his head up as he heard Todoroki whisper those words under his breath.

Midoriya could tell he was nervous because of the stutter in Todoroki's voice, but why was he nervous? He's never seen Todoroki like this before. It was quite a shock, but also quite adorable.

"Midoriya, Happy Birthday."

Before Midoriya could think about what Todoroki had said, he felt a pair of strong lips crash onto his own. They were soft and delicate, but warm.

As soon as the kiss had happened, it was over. Damn. Midoriya didn't want that kiss to end. It was everything he had hoped and more. Todoroki's warm and soft lips being on his. It felt like a dream to him.

Before Midoriya could think any longer, he heard Todoroki speak.

"I-I'm sorry I did that. I just-" Todoroki stared to speak but quickly began walking off. Before he could get far, Midoriya grabbed his hand.

"N-no! I was okay with it. And, I'm, thank you for telling me happy birthday, it, um, means a lot." Midoriya said while still gripping the taller boys hand.

"If you, um, don't mind, c-could we.. do that again..?" Midoriya didn't want to ask him using words, but he just couldn't wait any longer. That kiss had felt like heaven to him.

"Sure." Todoroki responded as he put his lips on Midoriya's for the second time. It felt just as god as the first kiss.

"I think you've gathered this already, but I like you Midoriya, a lot actually."

Midoriya smiled at that simple sentence. This had to be his best birthday. His crush asking him out. How was this not a dream?!

"I like you too Todoroki. You mean so much to me. I want to be with you more- not in a creepy way of course!but, um-"

Todoroki stopped him from talking anymore by a quick kiss. They both felt like they were in Cloud 9 with every kiss.

This was the best birthday gift Midoriya had ever received, all thanks to to new boyfriend, Todoroki Shoto.

I had so much fun writing this oneshot! And yes I know, it's not Midoriya's birthday, but I can't help not writing about some birthday fluff🥳. Anyways, Thank you so much for reading! Ily all and thank you for 100 reads! That's insane(I know it's not big for some but for me that's big okay-) Thank you all for taking the time to read my stories, it means a lot to me!! Xoxo 💕
|Word Count: 877|

•Izuku POV•
       I was awoken by the sound of my all might alarm going off. It was too early in the morning to start the day, so naturally, I didn't feel like getting up. I decided to close my eyes to try go back to bed, but the beeping continues.

With an exasperated sigh, I try to go turn it off, but someone was grabbing my waist. I turn around and see a sleeping Shoto. I quickly turn off the alarm clock, trying to be as stealthy as possible and not move as much to not wake up the sleepy-head next to me,  and slide back into his arms.

He looks so at ease when he's asleep. I feel a small smile growing on my face. Shoto had such a pretty and handsome face when he was awake, but whenever Shoto was sleeping, I found him especially adorable. His facial features looked so soft that I couldn't help but run my hand over his check where his scar was.

I was lost in my thoughts when I felt the hands around my waist tighten. 'Uh oh... he's awake.' I thought.

His heterochromatic eyes shine as he drowsily opens them. He gives me a sleepy smile while he buries his face into my neck.

I couldn't help but blush at this small action. "Mornin' Izu" He says in his deep morning voice that I can't help but blush again. "M-morning Shoto" I respond back. He started playing with my green hair and twirling it in his finger. I closed my eyes and felt myself smile again.

'I don't want this morning to ever end.' I think as I close my eyes and fall into a comforting sleep with Shoto at my side.
Hey! This was my first ever story I've written! Please tell me how the first chapter is and if you enjoyed! Sorry that it was so short, the rest will be much longer :))

|𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1207 words|

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