Why Should I Care?

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Enjoy your angst my dudes 😎

He doesn't care. Why should he? Izuku has been gone for around 8 months, and was with Bakugo now. He had moved on.

The two of them had broken things off because of stupid little fights that they had constantly. After a fight, they would always make up by apologizing and ending it with a kiss, but the last time was much different.

The two yelled at each other for hours, yelling out everything that was in their heart. They had said so many hurtful words to each other that there was no possible way that they could get out of this fight okay with everything the other had said.

Izuku was the first who stormed off. He went in his car and drove off somewhere unknown (he didn't tell Todoroki) and called about an hour later saying that they should break up and that he would be coming home soon to pack his bags.

And now, he was dating Bakugo. Bakugo Katsuki. Todoroki never had liked Bakugo, he always got way to close to Izuku and all Izuku would do is blush and stutter. That was one of the things they fought about: Izuku getting too close with different guys that weren't Todoroki.

He would see them Kiss in the hallways, hug in the classrooms, and cuddle on the dorm couch. It felt like they were taunting him.

Todoroki missed Izuku so damn much. He was his only light, his only savior, the only person he's ever truly loved, and now he was gone and out of reach. It broke him.

After the breakup, he laid in bed for 5 days straight without eating and only drinking a small amount of water. It was his hell being this long without Izuku.

He needed his Izuku back, now. But alas, he knew that their relationship would not start again... ever.

He was a little better now, it still hurt yes, but he could at least eat and go back to training.

He would still see Izuku and Bakugo walking on campus holding hands, but he had to tell himself that he didn't care.

He definitely didn't care anymore, he had moved on! Yeah. That's it, he doesn't care anymore, he can find someone just at pretty, just as talented, just as smart, just as beautiful as Izuku. He could do it.

He pushed his still lasting feelings into the deepest part of him, never to be seen of spoken of again. He liked it that way.

But still, even with his desire to move on, every time he saw Izuku and his bratty boyfriend, he always, clenched his teeth and fist as to keep himself from punching something (or someone) and resulting in a detention.

He had to move on. And, fuck, he's trying, he really is, but he can't shake the bitter feeling. But he has to keep pushing down his feelings, and it would be staying like that forever. He knew he was doing this for both of their sakes.

He was doing this so Izuku could be happy. Without him.

Hi! I know this oneshot is kind of all over the place, but I had this idea during class, so I just wanted to write it down really quickly. I will probably come back to this tomorrow and proof read + fix up anything that I don't like, so stay tuned for the better version tomorrow. Also, thank you all for 500 reads on this book and all the positive messages I've received, it's made me so happy!! Thank you so much for supporting me! Xoxo
||Words: 604||

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