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"Hyung?" Hongjoong said while shaking Eden's shoulder lightly.

He only heard his grunt. "Hyung we should go.." now Hongjoong help him get up.

"So who won the fight? Heh" suddenly Eden stand straight eyeing Hongjoong with his hollow stare.

"The police came at the right time.."

"Ah no fun~"

Hongjoong dragged Eden out of the restaurant after they paid because he tried to flirt with the cashier.

"Hyung you should get some rest, where's your house? I will get a cab"

"Oh I'm fine by myself, here, take this and go home. See you tomorrow!" Eden said while opening his wallet to get some cash for Hongjoong. He's a bit worried looking at his half drunk hyung but he's tired as well so he just look at Eden hailing a cab for himself, at least he made sure that the taxi finally out of his sight before he walk his way home.

Eden gave him cash but he didn't think he would use it. He walked home so maybe he can get used to the area outside his neighborhood. It's nearly midnight when Hongjoong is still a little far from his place but then three young men approach him from the narrow alley. They looked intimidating so he tried to avoid their gaze and pick up his pace. He passed the men but then one of the men called out to him. "Hey man, aren't you going to greet us?" he said in a mocking tone.

Hongjoong keep his pace without minding them maybe they will let him off, but what he fears the most actually happened when he's yanked harshly turning him to face the three pairs of mad eyes. 

"It's three on one, so.. let's get what you have on you, guys~" the other two men held Hongjoong's arms while the one in command searching for Hongjoong's pockets. Of course he tried to escape from their grip, but when in bring no result, he raised his feet to kick the man in front of him.

"Fuck-" the man fall onto the ground and the other men leave Hongjoong's arm reaching for their friend. Taking this as his cue to leave, Hongjoong sprint off as fast as he could hoping they won't chase after him and will never encounter each other again, he would be screwed if he ever meet them again.

Looking from behind his shoulder, he halt his run and place his hands on his knee trying to control his breathe. Luckily there's no one on his tail so he started to climb the stairs that are near his place. He's still out of breathe but then he heard some noise, like some people arguing on some matters.

"Why did you do it again you freak?!" Hongjoong hear them whisper yelling.

"I'm bored that's it~"

"Yah the people around are starting to notice, you must stop this!"

Hongjoong's heart still race after his escape from the three men but now it pick up it's pace and he felt like it could burst any moment. He's been eavesdropping and what made him more pale is that he's sure about the owner of these voice.

"But they didn't kno-"

"Stop killing those cats Choi San!" hearing that, Hongjoong jumped a bit and accidently knocking out the soda can laying near his feet. His forehead is now damp and beads of sweat trickling down from his temple. He even held his breathe trying to not make any sound when the area is being unbearably quiet. 

After several seconds of silence, he breathe in only to get it stuck on his throat when San and Yunho caught him. They both towered over him and Yunho opened his mouth. "What did you hear?" he asked with no expression whatsoever but Hongjoong felt like his gaze could split him in two.

"Uh-I- I have just reached here- yeah- I was from work-"

"So you now know that I'm the one who killed those stupid cats?"

Hongjoong couldn't utter a single word. But then the shorter man in front of him chuckled lightly and asked him, "So what are you gonna do now, Hongjoong-shi?" he asked displaying a wicked smile with his deep dimples showing off.

"Hongjoong-shi?" he felt a shake on his shoulder that bring him back to reality. He sees Seonghwa in front of him looking a bit concerned. Then he looked around and he's still at the side of the alley where he's hiding from the voices just now. 

"Hey, you okay?" Seonghwa asked garnering his focus on him. "I-" then Hongjoong step away and searching for any sign of San and Yunho but the area is empty. /what? aren't they here- shit what's happening with me!/ 

"How long have you been here?" Hongjoong finally gain back his composure and asked the man in front of him.

"I'm at the top of the stairs when I see you standing there looking troubled?"

"Oh, sorry I'm just too tired today.." with that, Hongjoong leave him and made his way towards the entrance.

Seonghwa's lip tugged up a bit after seeing the man ahead of him look so stressed. "It haven't even start Hongjoong.."

Hongjoong dragged his feet weakly across the corridor to freshen up, maybe a shower could rinse off his tangled thoughts. He took as much time as he needed when he heard another shower head turned on. He didn't care to look up from his feet and just turn the tap stopping the water to fall on him.

He dried off and put his clothes on, before he could leave the room, he's stopped by the man words. "If you're troubled, you can tell me, maybe I can help." As much as he need someone to open up to, Hongjoong push the thought away, reminding himself that it's not safe here, all the residents are weird, he shouldn't be dealing with any of them, even with the most normal one.

Without any reply, he opened the door and leave the bathroom only caring to sleep in hope that he could just forget everything that made him sick. He's on the corridor when he notice that the gamer room is open but this time, the computer is turned off.

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