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Hongjoong shook his head and go to his room, locking it before laying on his not so comfortable bed. It's half past one and fortunately his eyes feel heavy so he easily drifted to sleep, just please no more nightmare.

Hongjoong heard his alarm goes off and turn it off quickly. He's adjusting his eyes to wake and get ready to leave the place soon when a knock was heard on his door. He frown his eyebrows but proceed to the door to see a new face.

"Oh good morning, I'm a new tenant here currently staying across from you.. My name is Choi Jongho." The boy looks young maybe still a teenager, he smile showing his gum which actually is cute. It's still quite early so Hongjoong just stare at him blankly.

"Uhm sorry can I know what charger do you use? I didn't know my charger is broken, and my phone is dying.." 

After exchanging some information, they goes on their own way with Hongjoong getting ready for work and the student getting some rest after arriving here too early in the morning. They have exchanged numbers because he seems to be a nice kid and not that Hongjoong can refuse the boy's doe eyes.

He's near the company when an idea strike on his head. He take out his phone and tap on Jongho's contact, he got a favor to ask the teen.


Jongho-ya, can I ask you a favor?


What is it hyung?

/Oh he thought that the boy would be asleep../


Can you please check if someone is trying to break into my room?


Huh? Why would someone broke into your room hyung?


I got a feeling that someone did that, so can you help me?


Oh, okay hyung


Thanks :)

For so long, that pure smile crept on his lips for a millisecond. He entered the building and search for Eden in his studio. As always he's greeted with an empty studio. "Is he not coming?" he asked at no one. He decided to look over the work station to learn more about it while waiting for Eden.

It's been an hour and there's no sign of Eden coming in so Hongjoong unlock his phone and try to reach him but it always directed to the voice mail. Then his phone got a notification from Jongho. He sent a picture and he felt his blood pressure rises after he confirmed the picture. It's a picture of Yunho, who he didn't really expect, standing in front of his room. 


Hyung, he's been in front of your room for a while now

He's not breaking in though..

Hongjoong just stare at the younger man's message when another picture is sent and startled the life out of him. The picture is out of focus maybe as Jongho was shocked too but he could see Yunho's piercing gaze right through the camera.


Hey are you okay?

He didn't do anything to you right?

Hey, you there??

He didn't get a reply and that made him worried sick so he do what his mind told him to do.

Hongjoong is near his place when he see Jongho on the corner of the street with a black plastic bag on his hand. Words can't describe how relieved he was. "Jongho!"

The said boy turn his head to face the smaller man. When Hongjoong is a few steps near, the boy looked at him confused. "Oh hyung I thought you're at work-" Not letting him finish his question, Hongjoong cut him off.

"Why didn't you reply?! I was scared for you!"

"Ah sorry hyung, my phone dies on me before I can reply.."

"And about the last picture.. He didn't do anything to you right?"

"No, but he scared me to be honest. After he turns to me, he slowly left and went to his room."

"Gosh I got worried for nothing.."

"Hyung why are you that worried, are the people living there dangerous? Are they bad people? But if they're bad, they must have been causing trouble around, the fact that they stayed, maybe you're just paranoid?"

Right when Hongjoong is about to explain about the matter to the boy, his phone goes off so he look at it and it's Eden calling him. He pick it up quickly to be greeted with an irritated voice. "Where are you?" 

"I'm near my place-"

"And why are you not in the company? Did I tell you to fool around when I'm not around?" the man's voice got higher.

"No, it's just tha-"

"I want you here as soon as possible." the call ended.

Hongjoong had ran all through his way to the company, Eden sounds pissed, what could he possibly do wrong?

Without knocking on the door, Hongjoong push it open to reveal Eden sitting down on his desk with his fingers tapping on the table. "Sorry I suddenly-"

"Cut it, let's start on your evaluation."

Maybe he's in a bad mood, maybe his crush rejected him, maybe his parents ranted on him, maybe his friend annoyed him, he name it all to cease the pain in his heart. Hongjoong had failed the evaluation yet again and now Eden have no filter in what he's saying which triggered him but he tried to suppress it at least in front of him.

"Go to hell you bastard!!!" he shout out loud from the rooftop of his place. He's not caring if the resident will complain or the neighbor will shout back at him. He had been bottling it up and it's just safe to let it all out now. Unknown to him, the man standing by the door has been seeing it all. 

He heard someone clears their throat which made him turn to see the source. He waits until the man is near enough to the railing and he turn back to see the other building across the area. "Having a hard time?"

"I don't even want to talk about it."

"Is it your boss?"

"Tch, boss my ass."

"You hate him that much?"

Hongjoong got quiet, to say that he hate him is exaggerating, but he's been hurt too much to care about others now.

"You know maybe I can help~"

"I don't know, I'm just too sensitive that I just want others to omit any feelings in their body so they have no reason to call me one."

"That's interesting."

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