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Okay I'm doing this because there are no good stories with them in together so here we go also any recognisable doctor who charters I do not take rights for

It's been a week since he left just dropped her off and forgot about her. Sarah was sat in her flat sipping some wight wine when the phone started to ring she sighed and answered it.

"Hello old girl are you there" "Harry don't call me that and yes I am if I answered the phone" Sarah could just imagine his smiling through the phone "well unit is having a party next week for Johns birthday since you on earth now we can actually invite you"

Sarah bit her lip "sure it will help get my mind of some stuff" "my thoughts as well I'm looking forward to seeing you anyway" "oh why's that" "just because you know because" Sarah smiled and giggled a bit Harry went silent for a minute before she could hear him giggling as well

"It's good to hear your voice Harry I haven't seen you in a long time maybe after the party do you want to meet up sometime catch up" "are you asking me on a date Sarah" "no just as friends you know I don't swing that way" "yes miss I can't get into a relationship because of my work and a man" "oi I'm going to hit you when I see you" "good I'm looking forward to it old girl" "I said don't call me old girl" Harry laughed "I'll see you soon" "you two"

Sarah smiled as she hanged up the phone maybe life might get better if she can still mess with Harry she laughed and sipped some wine while continuing her page on the science advances today

——at the party—-

Sarah smiled as she walked over to John "John how are you" "Sarah I'm good you um how are you dealing with the hole being on earth thing again" Sarah smiled sadly "it's weird but I can deal with it"

Yates walked over with a woman Sarah didn't know "oh miss shaw how have you been" "good and you know you can call me liz" Benton look at Sarah and smiled "this is doctor Elisabeth shaw she helped the doctor in his lab before you" liz smiled and shock her hand "you knew him then" "yes we traveled together for a bit I'm Sarah by the way" "traveled you mean in the tardis" "yes why" "when I was working with him he was making me repair it" liz laughed lightly

Sarah looked shocked "you helped fix it" Benton smiled and chimed in "liz is probably the best scientist Alistair has had in unit" "yes but units not the place for me I have my work at Cambridge" "oh you two are the perfect match work maniacs" Yates laughs and Benton joins in liz rolls her eyes

"What it's funny" "really Mike what's funny is you two" Sarah bit her lip trying to suppress a giggle "why are we funny miss shaw" "do the think I should tell them Sarah" "no let them figure it out" they both giggle at the boys confused faces "Sarah would you like to join me and get a drink" " oh I would love to" they smile and loop arms as they walk away

Sarah sits on the table while liz pours there drinks "do they still drool over each other with you" liz says as she passes Sarah her drink "oh god yes there two gay idiots" they both laugh "how long has it been since you last saw him" "maybe two or three years you" "he dropped me off nearly two weeks ago now" liz but her lip and put her hand over Sarah's for some comfort "if you ever need to talk I'm here"

Liz pulled out something and handed it to Sarah "it's my business card Do you have some paper I can give you my address if you want" Sarah blushed a bit "um I have my note book" Sarah handed it to her "Morden science I can get you some interviews with my colleagues if you want" Sarah smiled "could you do that" "yes if you want" liz laughed and passed the note book back "my address and normal number call me if you ever need to talk"

"Sarah there you are!" Harry walked over and gave her a hug " how are you" "good and you" "same old nothing interesting" sarah then playfully hit him in the arm "what was that for old girl" she hit him again "that and i did promise" harry smiled and rubbed her arm "still the same old sarah" "whats that suppose to mean" "nothing dont worry" Sarah giggled and was about to make a joke when she notice liz wasn't there anymore "harry did you see the woman i was talking to before leave" "no why" "ill see you later i need to find some one" "Sarah wait"Sarah tried to ask Yates and Benton if they noticed liz leave but they were to distracted by each other to even notice her she asked some other people before she gave up and went outside

"Alistair you know I'm not coming back" "please miss shaw with the doctor gone we need a new scientific advisor and no one fits that position better than you" liz sighed and looked down "please i never wanted to be involved with unit if it wasn't for you demanding me to help with autons I would have never been involved"

"Liz please" "Alistair I said no and that's that" liz reaches into her bag and grabbed her pipe "now if you excuse me I'm going to go have a smoke" Alistair sighed and went back into the party

Sarah walked around the building nearly bumping into three soldiers until she saw liz leaning against the wall "you smoke" liz looked surprised for a second before she realised it was Sarah "it calms me after a long day" 

"And today's a long day" liz looked down and sighed "Alistair he won't stop insisting that I come back to unit and take the doctors position as scientific advisor" "well at least your wanted" "what do you mean by that" "I'm a jernlist I go where I can no one ever needs me"

Liz smiled "I need you to write a article on the projects we're doing in Cambridge if you want" Sarah giggled "I would love to" "good now I need to get back do you want a lift" Sarah smiled "yes please"

They walked to the car park then as a old fashion yellow car came into view Sarah's eyes went wide "is that your car" "you recognise it" she giggled at her "Bessie he gave it to you" liz nodded Sarah smiled as they got in "I've only known you for two hours but it fells like longer"

"Maybe we just understand each other" "maybe" liz smiled and began to drive it was quiet mostly there talked a little about where to go and what was faster but then silence again

Liz pulled into the parking space "well I hope I'll see you again" Sarah smiled sadly and got out "I can pop by your lab next week.... to get the interviews yes the interviews" Sarah laughed awkwardly "um I'll go up to my flat I'll see you" Sarah ran up to her room like a teenager in love

"Good job Sarah you made a fool of yourself again" Sarah laughed and dropped down on to the couch maybe life won't be so bad with out him

He left me too Where stories live. Discover now