Chapter Five

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The annoying sound of the alarm clock woke me up to the darkness of dawn. Frustrated, I slapped my alarm clock so the horrible beeping will stop. I reluctantly rose from my bed, and I trudged into the bathroom.

Normally, I hate going to school, which would mean I would hit the snooze button about two or three times. However, because of the recent events, I can’t get out of here fast enough. I splash water on my face to wake me up a little bit, except I was still a little tired. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, untangled my unruly hair, and chose a summer dress to wear.

I check myself in my bathroom mirror to make sure I look okay. Once satisfied, I get out of my room, and I head downstairs to pour myself a bowl of cereal.

“Good morning, Angela, you look lovely today,” my mother said, noticing my lavender sundress.

“Thanks, Mom,” I replied. “I decided to take advantage of the nice weather we still have before winter comes.”

My mother looked unsure. Maybe she caught me insinuating the fact that here, there would be snow around Christmas time, but back in LA, there wouldn’t be any. Whether she suspected or not, she decided to change the subject.

“Are you ready for school?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said monotonously. “I just feel lazy because I’ll have to deal with horrible classmates and a maze of rooms. Are you sure the principal will be there to help me out?”

“Yes, I called him many times over the last week with questions. He said three minutes before the class is over for the first three days, he will arrive in the class to show you where you go next. Don’t worry. Besides, be thankful. Mr. Morris has a busy schedule, especially because it is the first day of school.”

“Okay, Mom,” I replied.

I finished my cereal, and I grabbed my backpack, which weighed a ton because of all the things I am bringing to school. I make sure to grab my keys and my purse before going out, and I close the door behind me. Now that I am fifteen, I have my driver’s permit. However, I can only drive if a parent is with me. So that means that I am stuck on the bus with all the other immature boys and girls.

I wait on my bus stop, which is on the corner of Harper Lane and Woodland Road, but the only people I see there is a boy and a girl that are having a conversation when I arrive. They stop as soon as I am within earshot.

This is why I do not like riding the bus. I always somehow manage to live in a place where none of my friends live near me (except in this case is especially true.) so waiting at a bus stop is always awkward for me. I almost hollered for joy because the bus came and I could separate myself from these two.

Unfortunately, the bus was already really crowded so I sat next to the boy that was at the same stop as me. We looked at each other briefly before nodding and looking away from each other. We sat there in silence until the boy said,

“What’s your name?”

“Angela,” I replied.

“I’m Trevor,” he said. “I’m new here so I don’t really know anyone.”

“Really? I saw you talking to that girl,” I told him.

“She’s my twin sister, Brittany,” he replied. “She’s still in junior high so she was waiting for a different bus to arrive.”

“Well, I am new here too so don’t ask me what goes on at Springwater High.”

“Then I guess we’ll both learn something new today,” he replied quietly.

We finally arrived at Springwater High, but the first thing I noticed about the school is that it is huge. It has like three floors or something.

No wonder the principal is going to show me around. I thought to myself.

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