Finally! I was standing face to face to a huge building, where I would be living for next four years. The one and only Arekha High School.
I can't seem to believe that this kind of school really exists in this remote land. I felt as if it was a dream.
The school looked so ancient yet so lively. It seemed charming in a unusual way.
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It wasn't the well known school in Ubhtan but when it came to consider it was tons better than other high level schools .
I wondered, the school looked so fantastic then why have I never heard about it before. I came to know about this school six months ago only from ...ahh...lets skip that.
With that I also heard that teaching in this school was excellent but unfortunately, principal seemed to be a uptight person.
I made my path through the school gate and was admiring the school.
I suppose, I was stalling too much that I didn't even see a person approaching me. When I understood she was already infront of me.
"Who are you?", her tone was normal but the way she spoke made my body shudder. She seemed to be in late thirties. With her freckled cat-like face, her honey coloured eyes, with small nose and rosy lips perfectly suited her. She was short and slimmed.
I guess, I was stunned so I instantly introduced myself, "Hello Miss, I am Lham Irvine. A transfer student".
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Heyy! My second chapter, how is it?
Free free to correct my mistakes.
TEASER That person created a fuss,"what the ---*?" then a sigh leaved my lips, "not again".