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In the office, the shrill of a telephone punctured the quiet ambience like a knife. Startled, Morgan jumped up from the paperwork littered across her desk. Upon looking at the caller ID that flashed on the screen, she realized it was a blocked number. She extended her arm, her hand grasped the phone and wrapped her long fingers around it.

"Serious Crime Unit. You have come through to DCI Chester." Despite the irritation that ate away at her, she professionally introduced herself.

"Detective, good morning. I have missed the sound of your voice." A deep masculine tone spoke to her.

Morgan Chester, the Detective Chief Inspector, froze in her chair. With a tight grip on the phone, her knuckles turned white as snow. The voice sent shivers down her spine, and goosebumps flared on her bare arms.

The voice belonged to the notorious serial killer Grayson Owen, who had a killing spree that spanned for twelve years. Each murder was as brutal as the next. He was dubbed The Bookkeeper at the time by the media covering the story. Before he claimed his next victim, Superintendent Oliver Bruce – then a DCI before his promotion, cornered and arrested Grayson. The judge sentenced Grayson to serve his entire lifetime in HMP Belmarsh in London. He managed to escape three years ago and vanished without a trace until now.

"What a deafening silence, detective. It is apparent that my call has come as a surprise to you."

"I wondered when you would eventually crawl out of that rock you have been hiding under," she cleared her throat, "and what is it that you want?"

"Have you heard from our dear mutual friend Oliver this morning?" he asked.

As Morgan turned her body, she had a view of Oliver's office at the back. After putting Grayson on hold, she got up from the stiff chair.

Detective Inspector Elliott Reid looked up from his computer as she strolled past him. He was currently working on the interview report for the case they had just closed. An antique wooden frame placed proudly on his desk held a picture of his wife and him at their wedding.

The door handle on Oliver's door refused to turn downwards, indicating that Oliver had locked it before leaving. Elliott caught Morgan's attention as she bit her lip.

"Has Oliver been in touch with you today?" she calmly asked as she concealed her shaking hands behind her back.

Elliott shook his head, "I spoke with him last night before we left the office. Is something wrong?"

Deep inside Morgan's stomach, a chasmic pit formed. A look of concern crossed her face as she looked at Detective Inspector Cole Dawson and Family Liaison Officer Dakota York.

She told them, "I have Grayson Owen on hold."

"What does that bastard want?" A hiss escaped Cole's lips.

As Morgan walked to her desk, she shrugged her shoulders. The index finger on her left hand pressed the button, reconnecting the call. Grayson was hysterical with excitement.

"Now that I have your attention, shall we continue?"

"What do you want?" a clipped tone accompanied her words.

"I wonder if your colleagues are aware you have an alternative criminal life. Bent copper describes you perfectly, I am sure."

Her face heated up, she became nervous. If this information found its way to Commissioner Dixon, her future would be in jeopardy. In addition to losing her badge, she could also go to prison.

"You see, detective Chester, I have paid close attention to you and the way you live your life. You wake up early to hit the gym or go for a run, then work whatever case lands on your desk while also overseeing a certain business your father had entrusted to you."

The Phantom Ritual (DCI Morgan Chester: Case One)Where stories live. Discover now