The Jewel

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Today was the day to the great mesuem. I glued to Justin all day long like I was gonna get lost without him by my side and it seemed not bug him. He was okay with it.

     Our tourist whose name which I later found out was Grace told is a lot of things we- I had never known... Well not technically all but at least fifty percent of what Grace said, I had never heard them before.

     And for the first time ever in my entire life, history turned out to be... Well enticing, I must say.

     Sometimes, people do say history is a junk of things that happened like ten thousands of decades ago- which by the way it is- but what we have failed to realize is History is fun.

     Grace, our tourist was telling us about a particular painting by one of the greatest men in history which- obviously- was of great value.

     I needed to use the bathroom, so I  excused my self from the others and Justin.

     As I walked around in search for the restroom which seemed to be nowhere, something caught my attention which brought me to an immediate halt.

     I walked up to it and pinched my eye brows together and narrowed my eyes at the jewel that sat there in a glass box. Guessing the box was for security purpose.

     It's just a jewel.

     I tried to go on in my search for the restroom but I couldn't feel my feets again. I just stood numb staring at a jewel.

     Honestly, I had never seen it before but it looked so familiar, like I just saw it some minutes ago.

     It felt like a part of me that was lost. My heartbeat hastened.

     Where on earth did I see this?

     As I tried focusing on it, the voices around soon turned to whispers.

     I glanced around and now everyone's eyes were me. I was made the center of attention.

     Okay. This is getting creepy.

     And then, in a New York Minute, everyone and everything was gone.

     It was just me and the standing jewel.

     Everywhere was as silent as a graveyard. I was numb.

     "Susan, are you okay? " A voice hovered from behind as it brought me out of my trance and jerked me back to reality.

     Okay. What just happened? What the hell just happened?

     I shook it off and twirled to look at Justin.

     "Yeah. I'm fine. " I smirked. I tried as much as I could to make that lie sound like I was fine and hell, it did work.

     "The bus is set but I didn't see you there so I came to call you. Are you sure you're Okay? Cos I mean you can tell me-"

     "I'm fine Justin " I cut him midway. There was no need for him bothering.

     I was very fine... Yeah that was definitely a lie.


     We got back to the hotel and I couldn't get my mind off what happened at the museum.

     Kinda strange things have been happening lately and I don't seen to understand.

     And it's basically about this amulet, jewel stuff which wouldn't stop with the bugging.

     "Hey Suse, I ordered some food for us..." I couldn't listen to Justin. My thoughts had turned me to a deaf person.

     Justin sat close to me which made the bed creak.

     He nudged me to get my attention... and he did get it.

     "What's wrong Suse? You've been... spacing out for a while now." Justin asked.

     Suse was the new nickname Justin gave to me. No one called me that. Justin him.

     "N-- nothing. I'm fine" I looked at him " there's nothing to worry about. "

     I couldn't look at him again. O was gonna lose it if I continued. So I lowered my gaze.

     His arms wrapped my waist from the side and brought me closer to him. My head rested gently on his shoulders. I could feel his breath on my temple.

     "If you have a problem, then feel free to come meet me. Okay?" He said, barely a whisper.

     " Okay"


     Hey guys. I'm so sorry for the late update. It wasn't close to intentional. I really was quite busy.

     I really am sorry😩😩😭

     Have I have been forgiven. 😿😿

     Please drop comments- positive ones and don't forget to vote.

     I love you guys❤❤❤😘

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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