Chapter 1

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I was inspired by the human-pet book. Some of the things are not my ideas. Enjoy.
Rose Pov:
I got kidnapped. I'm scared and crying. A man comes and stands in front of my cage. He reaches for me and I scream.
" We are not like your dad" I freeze. How did he know? He takes my silence as a chance to pick me up. I start thrashing and whimpering. He reaches up and I flinch back but he just rubs my back.
" Shh" He speaks but I'm to focus on looking at the room we are in. It looks like a doctor's room and I see 3 other people. All male. I'm super scared now and I start thrashing against him but he puts me on the table.
" Rose, shh it's ok. You're going to have a better life now. Shh " One of the men tells me. I feel hands on my clothes and I look down.
" Please. No." I push their arms away but it does nothing. One man pulls me into his arms.
" Hi, I'm Nick. Can you look at me and tell me your favorite color?" I shake my head and see they got my pants off. Nick holds my arms as I thrash. I'm naked with guys around me. That is not good. Nick comes up with a necklace thing. He holds it up.
" This tool will check your heart, it's cold but just breathe." I nod and he holds it up to my chest. I jump from the sudden coldness but stay still. He writes something on a board and then grabs a tube.
" Ok. This is just going to check your mouth and gums. Open wide." I keep my mouth shut and Nick sighs.
" Rose open"
I shake my head. It goes silent and then my side gets tickled. I laugh involuntarily and the tube is in my mouth. I try to pull it out but my arms are kept by side. I thrash and start to sob, choking on my spit. Nick takes it out.
" Why I'm I here?" I speak for the first time.
" Life is going to be better now. " Nick gives me a friendly smile.
" We are almost done can you lie down?" I lay down and Nick smiles. A different man takes over the job as Nick comes over. He takes both of my hands in his and I flinch.
" It's ok. Shh." He says. I feel a sting in my leg and I cry out.
" All done," Nick says. The man that brought me here takes me back to my cell and leaves me there. There is a blanket, water, and food there but I leave it be. I go to a corner and lay down. My eyes slowly drift off to dark land.

Ok. So a second book. I hope you like this and thank you so much for the 95 reads on abused Luna. I would appreciate more votes. Have a good day

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