Chapter 2

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        I wake up to the smells of bacon at 5:30am. I try to get out of bed, but I keep forgetting that I kick my covers around like a maniac in my sleep. When I finally got out of bed, I saw the moon earrings on my nightstand. I change into a loose gray shirt with dark jeans, I top off the outfit with my combat boots, my moon earrings and my hair pushed to one side of my head, already curled with perfection.

        I make my way downstairs to the kitchen, I see my dad (still in his firefighter uniform) cooking bacon on the skillet. I try to quietly grab a cookie dough poptart, my bookbag, and my light jacket. 

        "Hey kiddo! How was yesterday at school?" my dad asks as he is setting down a plate with bacon, toast, and an orange.

        "It was okay I guess, Zoe keeps telling me that she has a boyfriend on Chirper," I say as I sit down (with bookbag and jacket still on) and start eating as fast as I can.

        "Well, I am just stopping by. Felt like making your mother some breakfest, we had a huge fire last night in town so I couldn't come home the time I wanted to," my dad says as he is grabbing his leather coat from his chair.

        After my dad left, I quickly put the untouched food back onto their plates and I book it out of my house and down to the bus stop. When I was halfway there, I saw Bailey and Rose having a fight while Zoe was on her phone, probably texting that so called "boyfriend" of hers.

        "I can't believe you stole Aphrodite from me!" screams Rose as she is trying to grab Bailey's report on Aphrodite.

        "I told you already, I told Amelia about my project before the Video Chat. Besides Demeter is a cute goddess anyway, so what she had to become a slave for Hades, atleast you get to control the seasons," Bailey says as she quickly put her report in her backpack.

        "You know what? How about you two just accept it that you two wanted the same thing, Bailey compromised and you accepted. In my defense Bailey is correct, you should have Demeter she matches your personality," says Zoe as she looks up from her phone since I noticed them.

        After about 5 mintues of all 4 of us just standing there awkwardly, our bus finally shows up and we all get on in silence. Usually, when we enter the bus I always sit next to Bailey, Zoe and Rose sit next to each other. We have been doing that seating arrangment since kindergarden. Well, today Zoe is afraid that Bailey or Rose are mad at her so she decides to sit by me before Bailey came in.

        "Um, Zoe I'm pretty sure that this is my seat. Don't mess up the seating arrangment at the end of our seventh grade year!" yells Bailey as she slumped down next to Rose.

        After about 10 minutes of literally no talking what so ever. It is pretty creepy when your friends don't talk about anything! I keep looking over at Bailey and Rose, Bailey is playing with her backbag zipper while Rose is just staring out the window. The bus pulls up to our school that we go to it is, The Californian Bear Public School, and you won't guess what our mascot is! Yeah, it's a bear, I personally perfer a wolf, but this is California.

        When our little group walks our way up the stairs, I see my crush, his name is Andrew. We never really talk to eachother, but one time he was my biology partner and that let us become distant friends to be honest. After we walked by his jock group, I saw him glance up at me and smile, I smiled back. For a second I felt my moon earrings glow and I also felt my hair become curlier and more brown. 

        After a boring day of school, someone puked from the school lunch, two girls fought over Edward or Jacob, and my little group of friends worked on our seperate projects. After school as the bus drops me off, I see Moon out of the corner of my eye. I didn't notice Andrew rides the same bus as me, so he gets off the same time I do and he sees Moon before she could hide or tell me where to meet her.

        "Did I just see a white wolf? Here in Northern California?" Andrew asks as he is walking beside me on the way to our neighborhood.

        "Well, she is very tamed. Only bites at the pups when they misbehave," I say, after I said that I regret saying that, because Andrew gave me a look of complete confusion.

        "Uh, sorry I was talking about a book I'm reading, well I got to go. See ya tomorrow!" I yell as I'm running down the sidewalk to my house.

        The minute I get to my house, I put my bookbag down by the back door and I grab my bow and arrow behind the wood pile in the back. As I was running through my path, I think I just saw Andrew standing in a meadow, talking to a man that was completly made of light. I'm pretty sure his dad is a travel agent, so I don't think that was his dad.

        When Moon and I reach the cave, I remeber what that lady said last night about I will find information about me in the cave. I watch as Moon is laying with the pups and I go into the cave with my phone as my flashlight. While I am walking in there, I notice drawings done very good on the wall of the cave, some shows a girl that looks close to me when I was a baby. The girl was with what looks like that woman that showed up.

        That is when I hear Moon growl, I instantly run outside of the cave and I see Andrew standing there with confusion written on his entire face. He is standing there holding a watch that looks similiar to a lyre. That is when the name Apollo pops in my head. I don't mean the space craft though, I mean the god Apollo. That is when he just slowly backs away from Moon and comes toward me. 

        Well, that makes Moon even more angry, she growls even louder this time. I hear a rustle behind the hill that is behind the cave. A wolf with pale blonde fur and pale blue eyes come bounding down the hill and lands right beside Andrew. Moon walks toward him and starts to sniff him, as I'm looking at them, I notice they are pratically identical, Moon with her pure white fur and golden eyes, the other wolf with pale gold fur and almost pure white eyes.

        They both walk off with the pups, just great now I'm left with Andrew alone in the woods. He starts to walk away, backbag hanging on one shoulder. I stand here for a few seconds then I decide to follow him back to our houses.

        "So, is that wolf yours?" I ask as I'm trying to spark a conversation.

        "Look, I don't know what happened either. How about we just forget about this ever happening? I go back to my jock life and you go back to hunting," Andrew responds and he just walks faster, toward his house this time.

        "How do you know I hunt? My family doesn't even know I hunt. I just tell them I'm going for a walk," I say as I'm studying Andrew up and down.

        "That man I talked to earlier told me about you, he kept fading in and out though, so I couldn't understand everything," repsonds Andrew as we just came upon our houses.

        "Well, see ya," I say quickly and just quickly walk inside.

        I enter inside and I see my mom sitting at the couch, eating icecream and watching old romantic movies. Last time I saw her do this was when my dad had to go fight a forest fire in another town for 2 whole days, worried my mom sick! I walk over and see that she is sleeping. I guess I should go to bed, don't really want to face the girls now. 

        I walk past my computer that I left on in the morning, I take a quick glance and see the Video Chat icon on, guess they are chatting now. I go to my room and I find a wispy white dress with a headband made of gold, I also find a new bow and arrows under my bed. I guess I can wear this to my presentation tomorrow. 

        I grab my old pajamas from my dresser, jump into my bed (I actually jump on it) and pull my covers up. I start to check Chirper but I give up on social media and just go to sleep. 

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