Chapter 4

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             [STILL HARRYS POV]

         I stand up to go find Eli to see if she wants me to take her back to her dorm because I did bring her here and it be rude not to take her back so I start nocking on the bathroom but it's unlocked so I open it and no ones there I start nocking on doors now walked in on a few people but no Eli I wonder if she's with Dominic the thought of them together makes me feel sick for some reason I don't even like her. I mean yeah she's hot and her smile is beautiful and well ok maybe I do like her a tiny bit but if she is with Dominic it doesn't matter. i continues to look for her when I come to the last door and it's locked one rule in the house no doors are to be locked I know this because I use to live here that was one of there biggest rules for some reason I nock on the door but no answer I start to call Eli's name to see if she was in there as I start to walk away I here a faint cry then the sound of glass shattering then loud  screaming I start to kick the door down when I seen Dominic covered in blood but then I look down to see Eli's green top on the floor I turn my head to see Eli looking at me blood on her face no shirt on a long slice down her stomach and arm when I look back at Dominic I see him drop a shard of glass covered in what I think is Eli's blood before I can even think I have Dominic pinned to the wall and I'm punching him and throwing him around he the takes the glass he dropped and trows it at my arm he then punches my eye and nose I think he just broke it but now I'm even more pissed I grab him I'm now on top of him choking him and not letting go when I feel what I think is Liam's hands trying to pry me off of him girls screaming people frantically calling 911 when I hear Gigi on the phone which the police she mentions Eli's name and I quickly let go remembering why I even started fighting Dominic in the first place I did I not notice Dominic extremely intoxicated breath I run over to Eli and she looks worse from when I walked in I quickly turn to Gigi and ask how long till the paramedics are here she says about 4 minutes 4minutes that's bullshit if she dies I will kill both the paramedics and Dominic I grab her small body that seems lifeless but I can still feel her small hart beat I start running down stairs with everyone following I feel something warm on my cheek I didn't even realize I have been crying. Gigi's crying a bunch of girls who don't even know her were crying a bunch of people frantically trying to get the police and paramedics here I look at her and just cry I here the police and the ambulance is soon to follow I  start running it to the road screaming "over here" "where are the paramedics" they pull over and the paramedics put her on the floor start wrapping bandages and putting things to help her breathe when I see police running in and they bring out Dominic beat up ass I turn around to run at him but Niall is and Liam are quick to stop me Zayn telling me to stay focused on Eli and I do they put her on a thing to transfer her and i get asked to join her in there they said they needed to look at my arm I didn't even realize how bad it looked I think I'll probably need stitches they start to put a bandage to maybe stop the bleeding they give me an ice pack for my eye but it toss it over all I care about is if Eli is going to be ok. I turn to the lady swabbing at my cheek that has a cut and I ask "is she going to ok?" " I'm not sure it's pretty bad they'll have to go an MRI to see if any glass got into anything major trust me we will let you know." " are you the boyfriend?" She ask me unsure how to answer I just nod I don't why but I did and I don't regret it. I continue to worry when we pull into the emergency room they're yelling for everybody to get out of the way they take to to a different room and tell me there going to have to take all the glass out so they can give me stitches a lady with tweezers comes over tells me to take of my shirt and turn to my side i do and she starts to pull small pieces of glass out and I'm groaning in pain when she gets all the glass out she calls another Dr in and he starts to give me my stitches when I'm all done like 45 minutes later he puts a whites bandages and tells me to go wait in the waiting room I go and sit down filling out a form they handed me I then call Liam and ask him if he's still out the house he say yes I ask him to ask the officer if Eli had a phone in the room and he said the found hers and I asked him "can you ask them if you can bring it here so I can have the phone I need to call someone" "there is no way there going to just hand it to me." He says and he's right "let me talk to them" i say "ok but what makes you so sure they'll give it to you" "just bring the phone over to one of them." "Fine" "this is officer Michele with the Chicago police department who am I speaking to" "this is Eli the girl who was attacked today's boyfriend I was wandering if someone could retrieve her phone and bring it to me I need to call her mom." I say lying "um sure would you like an officer to bring it to you" "oh no that's fine um my friend Liam can bring it to me if that's ok" "yes that fine"  " hey it's Liam I'm heading there now what hospital are you at?" I tell him and he's now on his way.

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