Chapter 5

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Nate's POV.
"I c-can't" she said. "I'm sorry" and with that she got up and left. Does she have a boyfriend or does she not like me. "What did you do" Sam asked looking mad. "I-I-I tried to k-kiss her" I said and walked off down to the beach. "Hey Nate, what happened" someone says and as I look it's Sam. "Sam I'm sorry I don't know what happened. He looked at me confused. I sighed. "We where just talking and I leaned in to kiss her... And she said I can't, I'm sorry" I said. I looked over at Sam and it looked like he was thinking. "Nate, I think there's something you should know about Aspen" he said with a serious look on his face. "Back in North Carolina she had a boyfriend named Bradley and he abused her. She hasn't been good when it comes to guys because she gets scared of being hurt again" he says. That's terrible, who would ever treat someone like her like that. "Sam I'm sorry I didn't know" I say. "It's alright, I mean if she's going to start dating I rather the guy be you because I know you would never hurt her" he said. "Do you even think she likes me" I asked. He looked at me and laughed a little. "Of course she does, have you never noticed the way she looks at you and when she's with you she's happy" he said. "I think you should go talk to her and tell her what I told you, she will understand and forgive you for trying to kiss her" he said. "Thanks Sam" I say as I head back to the house. I walk upstairs and knock on Aspen's door. She didn't answer so I gently pushed it open and she was sitting there on the floor, crying. It broke my heart. I went and sat beside of her. I didn't know what to say so I just put my arm around her. "Aspen I'm so sorry" I say and she looks up at me with tears in her eyes. "Why" she said confused. "Sam told me about Bradley" she looked down. "Nate" she said and looked at me. "Just so you know I really did want to kiss you I was just scared" she said. "It's okay and by the way I would never hurt you in any way, you too special for that" I say. "That mean a lot Nate" she said and got up and got in her bed under the blankets. I got up and started to walk out the room. "Nate, will you stay with me for tonight" she said. I smiled and walked over to her bed. She pulled out the covers so I could get under them. I laid down and she threw the covers over me. It was quite so I decided to ask her something. "Aspen, would you maybe want to go on a date with me tomorrow night" I asked. She looked at me with a real big smile on her face. "I would love to" she said which made me smile.

Aspen's POV.
I can't believe Nate asked me out. I mean I like him and all but what if I do get hurt. But most of all I'm mad that Sammy told Nate about Bradley. Well at least I didn't have to tell him that would have been awkward but I probably wouldn't of told him anyways. "I'm going to sleep, goodnight Nate" I say. "Goodnight Aspen" he says giving me a kiss on my forehead which sends butterflies through my body. I close my eyes and soon it's dark and quite.

Author's Note
Sorry it's kind of a short chapter. Make sure to comment and like my story. I'm trying to post daily but I get my phone taken away a lot and it's hard thinking of all these chapters. So I just hope ou guys like the rest of the story. :)

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