Chapter 20: My Body, My Heart, My Soul

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POV: Scorpio

 Virgo and Libra have been gone for about a week. Cancer, Leo, and I have spent more time together watching Daisy and Geo than anything else. As I spend more and more time with Leo I notice him and Cancer getting closer and closer. At this point I'm not worried about Cancer and Leo becoming a thing, I'm worried about losing our friendship. Cancer and I haven't been talking at all. It's becoming unbearable.

Leo's still been the annoying ass he is. Always talking about himself. He would shut it if he didn't get any reaction from Cancer. 

Today was starting just like any other. I looked in the mirror and told myself that today I was going to tell him. Today would be the day. I told myself this everyday. At the end of the day, I never tell him. I don't think I ever will. Especially not after what happened today.

I left my bathroom to feed Geo. In Libra's room Cancer and Leo were playing with Daisy. "Hey Cancer.", I said as I took Geo out of his cage and left the room. Before I left the room I heard Leo ask Cancer, "Hey, later today can we go on a walk? I want to tell you something important."

And Cancer told him yes.

Later that day I watched Cancer and Leo walk out that door.

They left like two best friends, laughing, playfully shoving each other, Cancer pulling Leo's tail, Leo teasing Cancer for his height.

Thirty minutes later they came back. The dynamic has completely changed. Cancer wasn't pulling Leo's tail. Leo wasn't teasing Cancer for his height. Cancer was looking at the ground with a big smile on his now rose-red face. Leo was looking around at everyone beaming with pride. Their hands were grasping the other's tightly.

Leo was talking to Aries about what happened when Cancer kicked him off in the shin. As Leo fell, Cancer caught him and kissed him.

I was watching all this play out from the top of the stairs. I stalked into my room. I grabbed my sword. I stuck it into the fireplace. I watched as the blue flames turned the blade red. I let the bandages wrapped around my eye fall to the ground. I felt a prick of pain as the cut Agul gave me hit the warm air.

I grabbed the hilt out of the fire. I brought the glowing blade to my eye. I took a deep breath. I cut down. I cut deeper into the cut, deep into my eye. I felt the heat of the blade sink into my skin. Then I knew that I had lost any chance of sight in that eye.

I stood up. And looked into the mirror. I smiled. Physical pain to match what someone couldn't see. I picked up the blade of my sword while it was still hot. I was smiling as I heard the skin on my hand sizzle. Maybe I can make my body feel the same pain my heart and my soul do.

"And that's when I found you. I told you to put that blade back. I told you to stop hurting yourself. And here we are." The beautiful girl in front of me interrupted my explanation. I didn't mind one bit. I smiled a genuine and happy smile. I brushed her hair out of her grass-green eyes with my bandaged hand, "Yes, you found me. And I knew everything was going to be okay."

I'll publish the epilogue later today!! Remember guys, this kind of pain isn't the answer. If you ever feel this way, remember I love you! Bai.

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