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"Milady, your eyes are red! And what's with this!?" Lea checked all over Viola's face and look at Viola worriedly. "Milady, did you just cry?"

Viola only chuckle by Lea's statement. "Lea, can you prepare my bath? I'm tired. . ."

". . . Of course, your highness."

Viola smiled gently. "Thank you very much."


"N-no! Sister, you don't need to!" Violette exclaimed while waving her hands around the air as Viola look at Violette who is nerveous.

Viola just offered her to have a teacher, that is Ilaria Saoirse who previously teach Viola in just one month.

Usually, Univers Dukedom never hired a teacher so her brothers never got the guidance of a teacher because of their own individual intelligence, just like Viola.

That's why Ilaria Saoirse couldn't hold it anymore because Viola outsmarts her in every ways and only lasted a month.

That's why the Univers Dukedom family never hired a teacher for such a long time. Viola is a different case, her mother is the one suggested it while she's still alive so Viola can understand some common sense.

In addition to this, people will start to look down on the Univers Dukedom if they hired a teacher for their family.

Believing that the Univers only excels in mana and they never even once need a guidance from a stranger.

That month where Viola studied with a teacher is the month where society started to mock the dukedom until they realise the teacher stopped to come and acknowledge Viola because she's the same as the rest of her family.

That's why when Viola wants to hire her previous teacher for Violette but she immediately declined.

"A-a Univers. . . learn on their own, they don't need stranger's guidance." Violette stuttered out quite nerveously as she found looking at her feet more interesting than meeting Viola's eyes.

With that said, Viola smiled warmly. "It's really alright Violette."

"B-but it's just like a tradition for our family to not hire a teacher."

". . . Father hired me a teacher when I was 9 years old. I think it would be alright."

"But that teacher only lasted a month teaching sister that will usually take years for other nobles. What would people say if the daughter of Univers that is 16 years old hired a teacher? The mockery will become worse."

Viola smiled and pat Violette's back reassuringly since she can't also sacrifice her dukedom. "Then, how about I teach you?"

Violette's eyes lit up by Viola's offer. "Y-yes! Thank very much, sister!"

Viola nodded as her lips curved into a gentle smile. She's a bit guilty that she didn't take care of her younger sister well, that's why she will repay it by now.

"Alright then, let's start with table manners. The most simple thing for a noble."



Viola clapped her hands happily while looking at Violette who is playing a violin accordingly to the notes.

Viola blushed warmly while looking at her younger sister growing up to be a beautiful lady.

"Violette." Viola stood up from her seat as Violette put back the violin. "This is for you." Viola gave her a slightly big box wrapped nicely with a red ribbon on it.

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