Chapter 7

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So since this story is basically done. I'm not updating it, but I will give you everything I was going to do in these next chapters.

Bold = Chapter Titles

Italics = Chapter draft

Adjusting = Going to classes. Meet the Bad person: Caspian McLaird. Lorcan McLaird just became Minister and Caspian gets really big-headed and is mean to Phoenix. Phoenix is trying hard to get used to classes. She's also trying to understand why she's falling in love with Harry. Celeste can meet up with them during meals-she's a first year. At breakfast she introduces Adeline.

Niffler Problems = Loui had gotten into Phoenix's bag and then got loose in Hogwarts- Phoenix, Harry, Harley, Celeste, and Adeline spend the day trying to chase after him

A Marriage with Secrets = Christmas and Phoenix goes to Harry's house. She calls America and finds that Tina and Newt are engaged.

Credence's Obscurus = Back at Hogwarts, Phoenix finds a kid in the forest. He's eighteen and he's called Credence. Phoenix finds that he's a Obscurus.

Harry's Bravery = Harry asks Phoenix out for a date. Phoenix says yes. Phoenix freaks out to Harley. Harry freaks out to Harley. Both before the actual date at Hogsmede

Traveling to America = Spring break and Phoenix is getting homesick. Harley and Harry help sneak her out. Adeline and Celeste cover for them back at Hogwarts. They go with her and Harry and Phoenix are obviously in love. Phoenix also wants to get Credence back to Newt.

Deep in Massachusetts = Newt is surprised to see Phoenix, Harley, Harry, and Credence. Credence gets saved but Tina was sent to Massachusetts and never came back.

Saving Tina = Phoenix, Harry, and Harley find that Tina's been kidnapped and go after her.

Pain and Beasts = Back with Tina, Phoenix is starting to get taken over again by the voice. Harry does his best to save her.

Loosing Grindelwald = Grindelwald has caught up and Phoenix and Newt hold him off until Dumbledore comes with Professor Watson, Adeline, and Celeste. The two first years had gotten caught. Phoenix meanwhile is fighting the voice. Eventually Grindelwald looses and is locked up. Phoenix saves herself from the voice but has to be put in stasis. Harry and Phoenix share a last kiss. Harley is in tears, Newt is beside himself in grief but he has Credence take care of her while in stasis.

Starting the Next Generation = Preview of what happened to Harry and Harley. Harley ended up with a man called John Granger. She lost her magical powers and memories of any magic thanks to Newt. Harley was in so much pain she couldn't help but want her mind erased. Harry marries and has a son called Fleamont. Fleamont marries someone and has his son named James. James is the father of Harry James Potter. Adeline gives birth to Remus Lupin's father. Celeste does whatever is on the wikia.

Standing still in Time = Talks about Credence talking care and how he dies just before she wakes up. Phoenix returns the favor and takes care of Credence for three days before he dies.

Fast forwarding Time = Preview of Phoenix climbing out of the bag to catch up with what happened. She instantly wants to find Harry James Potter and Harley. Harry is dead, but Harley grew old and is the grandmother of Hermione Granger-now Weasley.

92 Years in the Future = Phoenix begins to adjust to the new society and finds Harry's family. A/n James is 13, Lily is 10, Albus and Scorpius are 11, Teddy is 21, Vic is 20, Rose is the same as Albus, Fred and Roxanne is the same as James, Hugo is the same as Lily.

The Nightmare Child = Phoenix talks to Harry about how she knows his great-grandfather. Harry is happy to hear this and talks about his adventures. Phoenix meets with McGonagall and McGonagall is delighted to see Phoenix because she's learned about Phoenix from Newt. McGonagall then tells her about Fleamont and James.

Pranks and Childish Manners = James Sirius gets Phoenix to join in with pranks.

Riding the Thunderbird = Phoenix shows Scorpius, Albus, and Lily a Thunderbird in Phoenix's suitcase.

Preparing for War = Phoenix finds that Grindelwald is coming back to power.

The Deathly Hallows = Harry is surprised to find that Phoenix knows about the Hallows and they work together to figure out how to get rid of Grindelwald.

Grindlewald's Fight = Very obvious what happens.

Words of Peace = Phoenix tries to leave but the Potters make her stay

Saying Good-bye? = Phoenix finds Harley and spends her last moments together. Harley Granger dies.

Living with the Potters = Kickoff for one shots

Time in a Suitcase = Preview of everything that happened. Get things from later chapters.

One Shot Titles =

Phoenix's Niffler and James' Dog

Lily plays with Death-Pecking birds

Albus and Scorpius almost get Decapitated

Hogwarts says Hi

In Which the Titles begin with 'In Which'

In Which - no not that, The Title is Irrelevant to This

How the Dark Lord rose to power (for the fourth time)

Harry's Scar senses Danger

Voldemort sees what Grindelwald did and tries to do better

The School's protection

Voldemort fails to take over a School {Again}

The 50th Anniversary Gets Trolled

Your Niffler is going To Die

Sakurmora speaks ASL like Hearthstone {Though no one Knows who That Is}

When Wizards become Scared

Surrounded by the Most Dangerous Creatures in the Universe - Humans

Leave it to Ron

Hermione gives A Lecture

Phoenix nearly dies of a Jump Scare

When people Loose their Necks, do They Loose their Heads Too?

When the Titles become Weird and the Stories Drag On

The Hating of Voldemort

Dead people come Back and Albus Faints

When things Become Not - So - Simple Anymore

Third - years! This way to Your Doom!

James and Phoenix sitting in a Tree

The Wacked out Timeline

So yeah, this was going to be a big thing.

If you want to take over the story on Wattpad, just tag me or PM or something so I know and can see what you guys add to it.

If you want to take over the story on Ao3 (or anywhere else), then just PM here on Wattpad and send me the link.

I'm glad that you guys liked this story but unfortunately I'm not going to do anything with it.

Instead, I am making a Fantastic Beasts One Shot Book on Ao3.

This story will be on there and yeah. Hope you guys had fun. 

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