Jean Black

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Jean Black. A red haired girl with addictive blue eyes. She was a sight to see, beautiful, stunning, but so wasn't her life. She never had a father, he left her and her mother not long after she was born.

Her mother, Sarah, always told Jean she had hher father's eyes, thing that she hated since she knew her father was a bad person, a criminal, even thought she doesnt even know who he is, her mother always told her so.

Sarah and Jean lived in the darkness, they moved from city to city to keep Jean safe. Her powers were under the eyes of many villans, and she was well known due to her father. You might want to know Jean's powers: they are hard to explain but she has telekinesis, she can read minds if she wants to, she can create storms, thunders and much more.

She has the powers of the phoenix.

It always scared Jean, she was afraid of her own self. She was quit able to control her self but she knew thid wouldn't last long.

At the age of 9 her mother was shot right infront of Jean eyes. She became an orfan. She wanted revenge. She was furious. She couldn't control her self. She somehow, maybe for her powers, found the assasin

"Who are you?"

Asked the red head in low voice, making the man turn around

"I was hoping to see you here kid. Your father would be proud of what you can do"

She was shaking with anger, the things in the small apartament of the man started to float around

"Was this is want? Do you work for him?"

"I don't work for him, i am dedicated to him. You see, your father between us is like a king, a god"

"I don't want to be with him, i hate him!"

As these words came out of her mouth the windows broke into millions of

"This is why you have to die, you are a threat to him "

She couldn't contain anymore

"Hell i am"

And the man became ashes. She started to cry at what she just did, screaming and begging for help. The next day she was took into the police department, she was an orfan now.

"Is there someone we can call? Someone that you could stay with? A relative?"

The kind lady asked Jean

"My aunt, she is all i have, her name is Mia Black, she is from Seattle"

Jean was now in New York due to her last change of house with her mother.
Mia came the next day and she looked a mess. Who could blame her? She lost her sister. She had red eyes and there were bags under them

"Jean oh my god, you are ok"

She ran thowards the kid and hugged her as thight as she could. Jean felt terrible. Not only she lost her mother, but she thought it was her fault. It would be nice to say that Jean was now living with Mia, but that is not how it went.

Mia resulted positive to the drughs test and she couldn't keep Jean with her. She cried and screamed while she was beging brought outside. The young girl watched the scene with terror in her eyes: what was going to happen to her now?

She wasn't even paying attention to what was around her, she started at the door, where her aunt was being brought outside.

"I am sorry, Jean, this is for the best, we found someone that could take you, give you a new home. Meet them, come"

Jean followed the lady with tears in her eyes. She was introduced to a couple on their 40s. They seemed nice, their names were Mathew Cumbert and Clare Cumbert. They brought Jean to their mansion and once she put a foot inside, she knew she was fucked up.

There were other kids, many, maybe 20 or even 30. They were wearing a special metal necklece and were dressed all black. There was also another thing that the kids had in common: the horror in their eyes.

She couldn't think twice that the same necklece was placed around her neck

"Every time you will use yor powers, this will make you go in pain. Now come, we need to study you."

They tortured her. Many times. She tried many times to escpae but whitouth much success. She felt weak. They trained her to fight. She was one of the best if not the best. She had  afriend back there: Alex. He was a good kid and the only person who was still able to talk, besides Jean.

"We can escape, i know how"

Alex told to a now fourteen years old

"Tell me everything"

Alex found a room, full of the neckleces and with them, they keyes to unlock them. He stole two of them. At night they toke them off and started running thowards the exit. Jean made all the guards fly out of their way and the loud sound made the other kids wake up.

Jean easly removed the neckleces from them with her telekinesis. And they all ran oit of the mansion. And then a boom. A bomb. Everybody was dead. The kids and the personal, also the Currens.

Everyone but Jean.

With her power she created a shield that made her survive. But she realised she was the oly one. She reached for Alex body and saw that he was breathing again. He was weak but alive

"I am getting you out of here"

"No, Jean, i can't. run away. Please"

That was his last wish before he died. She screamed in agony and as she didi so all the trees around her flew away, she was like a second bomb. She eventually started to run away, making her long way to Seattle.

The trip was long, she met enemies wich she defeated but left in her a bit more of terror each time. After a couple of months she was in Seattle. She was now fifteen while she knocked on Mia's door apartmen, hoping she would still be living there.

And she did.

They reunited and after a long time, Jean felt happy and safe. Mia had powers her self, she could control the wind and for that she was the only one who Jean felt like she could tell everything about her powers, how they were consuming and scaring her.

Mia was no longer under drugs but she had a boyfriend, a bad one. He used to hit her and after a bit he also hit Jean. She tried to control many times but once she lost it.

He flew all the way out of the window. He was still alive though.

She was now a young lady, a sixteen years old young lady. She went to school and those bad guys seemed to be on vacation.

She felt normal.

But one night she snuck out of the house, she was used to do this to go to the park near home and look at the sky, and talk to Sarah, her mother. She came home late and mads her way through the window as always, she checked her watch: 4 pm. She came late this time. She was about to get changed when something happend. Something bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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