Chapter 1: All alone

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3rd POV

"Yeah, that's not happening, you should give it up," an All Might figurine dropped to the ground. "W-what?" The green haired woman asked.

"Your son here, has two toe joints; a sign that he will not, and probably will never get a quirk," the doctor explained.

"Thank you doctor, we'll be going now," Hisashi—Izuku's father, said through clenched teeth with a barely suppressed anger, all while dragging his child and wife outside.

The small family of three left the clinic and headed home in their car. Once they'd entered the house, the green haired woman, Inko, asked the youngest of the Midoriyas, "Izuku, could you go to your room please? Your father and I need to... talk."

Izuku's POV

I retreated to my All Might covered room,

'Daddy looked scary, daddy has never looked this angry before...' I think to myself,


'That was daddy, was he talking about me?'

I couldn't hear what mommy said.


I heard loud footsteps and then a door slamming shut, 'Why were they talking about me? Daddy's leaving?'

'Was it, because of me...?'

'Did I make daddy leave?'

I slowly crept down the stairs, avoiding all the creaky steps, mommy was on the ground crying, "M-mommy?" I ask, "W-where's d-daddy?"

She just broke down crying more at the sight of me,

"I-I'm s-s-sorry" I say, also crying. I may be young but I'm not stupid, 'Daddy left because of me, mommy's crying because of me, it's my fault...'

~Time skip~

3rd POV

Izuku is 10 now, his mother doesn't take care of him anymore, she didn't hit him or anything, she just ignored him; pretending he didn't exist.

When he was younger, he used to still try to talk to her. Every time he tried she would say "it's your fault," or "he left because of you," in a monotone voice, no malice, no emotion, no anything. She would say it like she were stating a fact, and to her, she was.

Since Inko didn't take care about him or do anything for him, he had to make his own food from what was left in the fridge, which usually wasn't very much. He also had to find—sometimes make—his own clothing, as well as any other necessities, such as hygiene.

Izuku often did odd jobs for neighbours or really anyone who would pay him. He used the money he received to buy the things he needed for school, such as uniforms or pens. He found a good deal at a thrift shop for 15 notebooks, which he used to analyze hero fights. It's what he did in his spare time, what else was he going to do? Spend some time with his mother who barely even looked at him? Go to the movies with the zero money left that he had? Hang out with his nonexistent friends?

School wasn't any better; as soon as Bakugo—or Kacchan as Izuku called him—found out about his quirk, or lack there of, he told everyone. Made sure no one would ever hang out with him; even gave him multiple nicknames, "Deku," "shitty nerd," "worthless loser," "useless," you get the idea.

Even in elementary school, Bakugo and his gang would often beat him; call him names, trip him in the halls, throw stuff at him in class. The teachers didn't care. To them, he was just another hero wannabe; except he would always be a wannabe, never an actual hero. Just a powerless, quirkless loser with an unattainable dream.

Izuku POV

'Ka—Bakugo must've been really angry today, 9 bruises and 5 burns. Some of them might even scar. Although he's already given me plenty of marks, what's a few more?' I'd started counting how many injuries he'd given me. It had sort of become a game "Let's see if I can tell how angry he was today just by looking at the injuries he gave me!" I wish he'd just ignore me, like my mom...

I keep my head down as I go through the front door of my house, not expecting to be greeted or even acknowledged anymore. 

We have two floors in our house, the upstairs has my bedroom, my mothers room, plus a bathroom that mostly belongs to me. On the first floor, we have a living room, dining room that's also a kitchen, and a bathroom with the laundry machines in it. Mom usually uses that bathroom to avoid me.

'At least mom hasn't left'



"She left too"   

EEEEYYYYY!! This is my first story sooooooo... yeah! If I spelt something wrong feel free to correct me! And if I you non-existent readers would like me to continue? Tell me! Anyway, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!


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