Chapter 2: Who Hires A 10 Year Old?

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3rd POV

A green haired kid entered a decently sized convenient store and walked up to the front, tapping on the counter to get the person's attention.

"Can I help you?" The man at the front asked looking down at the short kid, "I uh, I noticed that you were, um, hiring?" The child inquired,

"Are you looking for a job?" The eldest questioned,

"U-um, yes?" The younger of the two responded, "Sorry kid, but you're way too young. Where are your parents anyway?"

'Better luck next time?' The greenette thought to himself while walking away. Shortly after, he entered a nice looking cafe in search of employment,

"No way! How old even are you?"

He left empty handed,

'Come on, third time's a charm'  He hoped,

"If you're looking for a job, come back in ten years."

'Third time's not the charm'

After the fourth failed attempt at getting a job, he was getting a bit desperate. Looking for someone, anyone willing to hire him.

In the distance, the bushy haired child spotted an out of the way book shop with a 'Hiring' sign in the door, and made his way towards it with a hopeful expression.

Inside the shop to the left of the door, there was a couch and a couple of armchairs. To the right, there were many bookshelves filled head to toe with books of all kinds.

In front of the door, a few meters away, was a counter with a younger looking woman—maybe in her twenties—sitting behind it.

She had brown hair tied into a bun on top of her head, and fair skin—if a bit dark, with a light dusting of freckles adorning her cheeks. The woman was wearing a light grey tank-top with a blue sweater tied at her waist, her bottom half however was hidden behind the counter.

"U-um, excuse me?" The boy asked, "Yes, how can I help you?" The lady responded in a 'done with the world' tone, "I w-was wondering, if you, uh, if you were hiring?" He stuttered out. The brunette immediately perks up, "Yes we are! Are you loo—" she cuts herself off when she gets a good look at him. "Wait, wait, wait hold up, why are you looking for a job? You're like, really young!" She exclaimed, "Well- um- I- uh, I, I just think I-it's good to get, get ahead in life?"

Akita POV

This little boy, not any older than 12? Is looking for a job to get ahead in life? Yeah, that was obviously a lie; but why would someone so young need, or even want a job? 'Ok, before I jump to conclusions, let's think about this logically, and how this could benefit both of us: I'm short staffed, this kid wants a job, probably willing to work for less than what I would normally pay. This could work.'

"You know, maybe having a younger employee might not be so bad!" I say "Let's see your resume! You have one, right?" 

"Really!?" he asks, disbelief written all over his face, 

"Yup!" I reply.

He takes off his backpack, (which I had to admit did not look good) and digs through it a bit before pulling out a ratty looking folder and sliding it across the counter towards me.

As I read through it, something thing stood out to me, 'He's quirkless'  that might explain why he wants a job.

'He's probably bullied at school, (if he even goes) not to mention what his home life is like. He might need this job not just for the money, but also, as an escape.'

I continue reading through it, 'Quirk analysis huh?  I'll have to ask about that later.'

Once I finish looking at his resume, I speak.

"Alright, this looks good. I'm assuming that you have school, right?"

"Yeah, I go to school, why?" He responds

"Well, we're going to have to get your work hours to go around your school hours... So, how about you work on weekends from 7:00 am to, uh, 1:30 pm? You can of course change these at a later date if you want to! And your pay... How about... ¥7.50 an hour?" (A/N: that translates to 11.50 Canadian dollars I think??? (I'm Canadian) Correct me if I'm wrong though!)

"O-oh! Yeah, that sounds great! That's better than I could ever have hoped for! I hope I won't let you down, I'll do my best! And thank you for hiring me, it means so much! You could have denied me, or, or gotten someone else more capable than me! It's a miracle you haven't thrown me out yet, even after you discover—''

"Whoa there kid, slow down. You can start next Saturday, come early though so I can show you how everything works, ok? Oh! And what's your name kid? You can just call me Akita." I say,

He hesitates, but then confidently looks up at me and replies,

"Midoryia Izuku"

Second chapter!! Yay!! Sooooooooo, should I keep going? Do you people want more chapters? I need feedback. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Bye!

Edit: HOLD UP!! KAY WHAT!?! SINCE WHEN DID I HAVE 23 FOLLOWERS?!? When did that happen?! Thank you so much, you strange, strange humans for following, even acknowledging that I exist! Like, BROO!! 

AAAHHHHHH!! I don't really know any of you personally, (at least I don't think I do?) BUT I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!! Thank y'all! Ok bye!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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