The Dream....

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Hey you guys i am soo sorry i haven't uploaded in awhile. I haven't really had the time too.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. :) I kinda just made it up as I went cause I totally forgot what the dream was going to be about. :/ But I think this is a good enough dream. :)

Well anyway enjoy! :)


*The Dream*

"As I walked towards the house in the woods. I felt a strong pull that had me longing to figure out what or who it was leading to. I got closer to the house and the pull got stronger and stronger and i was excited that i felt my heart was going to burst at how excited i was.

I walked up the stairs and was about to knock when the door was jerked open and there stood a Greek God...the one who I felt the strong pull towards him...

*mate* a voice said in my head as I was confused at where the voice came from.
"....we have finally found our mate.*
And I could feel the happiness that spread after the voice said that.

I looked up at him and smiled and he smiled at me to and I got lost in his eyes...a majestic green with a tint of blue. So beautiful...we stared into each others eyes for what seemed like forever. When I heard him speak. "Hello Love. I've been waiting for you."

Then he gave me a lop sided smile that sent my heart racing.

He held out his hand as I grabbed it and we went for a walk. He led me down to the cliff that over looked the river and glamorous waterfall. It was breathtaking.

As we were standing their I looked towards him to see him staring at me and we leaned closer. His head coming down and mine facing up. Still looking into each others eyes. He pressed his lips to mine and fire works exploded everywhere on my body and i felt tingling everywhere too.

I gasped in pleasure and knitted my hands into his hair pulling him closer and closer to me. I felt a sort of connection open up even more and moaned while he tightened his arms around me moaning too.

We pulled away to get some air and smiled. It was amazing and we both knew it...I also figured out that during that kiss, the first steps of mating were performed. That we were linked now whether we wanted it or not and nothing and nobody can ever change that. From what the voice in my head said which I learned was my "wolf".

Holding hands we sat on the edge until the sun started going down. We didn't want to leave each other but we had no choice. Someone would be looking for us by now...we've been gone for hours. We looked into each others eyes and as we were about to say good bye..."

I woke up breathing heavily. A little shaken by the dream of 'my mate'. I walked over to Jared's room, opened the door and walked to his bed.

As I sat down on his bed he awoke and sleepily said, "Morning. What's up love?"

I looked at him and smiled he looks so cute after he wakes up.

"Morning and nothing really I just don't think I'll be able to get back to sleep." I replied lightly.

He frowned, looked at the time 5:30 a.m. and looked back at me. "Why not love?"

I sighed then looked down and back up at him. "I had a dream..."

His eyes widened some and I was quick to continue. "Not a bad was a good one...I think."

Jared's eyes went back to their normal shape and he asked. "What was it about?"

I looked at him with a far off look. "It was about my mate..." Jared gasped and then smiled.

"AHH!! Finally!" I frowned. "sorry love ha-ha it's just I've been...we've been waiting for you to have that dream." He said smiling.

"Oh, what does it mean Jar?" I replied tilting my head to the side in interest.

He breathed in and said back "It means that your mate is nearby. Which means no school for you today..." and I was about to protest when he continued... "Because sense you've had the dream it has boosted your a way it means has awakened your wolf fully. So sometime today you will change." He said and smiled some.

I jumped up and squealed. "Yes finally!! I get to see my wolf! Ahhh...when's it gonna happen? How long before I go all wolf? I've been really excited to meet her since we talked in the dream! At first I wasn't even sure if I'd get a wolf! What...." I started to say before I was cut off.

Jared held up is hands and interrupted me. "Woah woah woah...calm down ha-ha we still have to tell your father. It could happen at anytime."

"Sorry, Jar I'm just really excited." I said.

Jared chuckled and replied. "Yeah I bet. Who wouldn't be? No school for you and you just had a dream about your mate and now you're going to change. But we may have a small problem...with your father. Cause..." Jared started but I stopped him.

I placed my hand on his shoulder. "It's okay Jar I'll protect you. I know you weren't supposed to tell me the little...secret about you guys all being werewolfs and me being a werewolf to because it was something Eric was supposed to talk to me about but in your defence...I forced that information out of you haha and plus you're a softy for me." I said smiling clasping my hands together in front of my face and batting my eyelashes.

Jared groaned and ran his hand over his face.

"You are surley going to be the death of me my best friend." He groaned out then he smiled.

I laughed and looked at the clock and it read 6:00 a.m.

"Well Jar it's time to get up. It's time to go for our run and while we are doing that I'll tell you some more." I said then jumped up and hopped over to the door opened it.

"Alright, I'll be ready in a few." Jar replied.

I smiled and looked back at him and said, "Okay, I should be ready in a few too."

Then walked back to my bedroom took off my mini short pjs and big T-shirt replacing them with my jogging shorts and another tanktop and sweater to hold my Ipod and cell phone. I put on my running shoes and then headed to my door when it opened and there stood Jar.

"All ready to go?" He said while smiling.

"Yep all set sir!" I replied smiling and saluted him before off we went.


Hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it. and

How did you like it?? Was it horrible?? Please tell me...

Comment? Vote? Fan? Recomend? Whatever you guys want. :)

Also, if you guys have any ideas don't be shy to tell me. :) I'll add some of your own ideas into the reading. :)

xoxoxoBecca <3

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