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As my daughter would go out to play, she’d often talk to her imaginary friend, Katherine. Usually I’d hear my daughter talking, but this time I heard a distinct voice. A woman that sounded much older than my daughter started to say, “Come with me….” Nothing else was to be heard but a small conversation between her and my daughter. I started to run towards the back door to see what was happening, and they were both nowhere to be seen. The backgate was open, and my daughter’s toy on the ground, covered in mud. I started yelling “ALI!” My daughter didn’t respond, and nothing else to be heard, besides the cars on the highway, off in the distance. Our house was right next to a forest, and when we bought the house, the previous owners had said that children often gone missing, and are never seen again. They also have said that there have been 14 counts of children gone missing. Search parties have been sent out countless times, and no child has come up found. The forest, Blackview Forest, has always been off limits to our children, and we’ve warned them multiple times not to go near or enter the forest. The house was as old as the forest, and often we’d hear a woman humming around or in the hallways. It had started to rain, and it was starting to turn red, it was very unusual to witness this, and it was starting to rain hard.  I started to run towards the forest, my wife, Jane, asking what’s happening. “JIM! WHERE”S ALI?” As I entered the forest, I looked behind me to reply to her, she was no longer in sight. “JANE! JANE! WHERE ARE YOU!” The trees have joined together, making an exit out of the forest impossible. I was surrounded by trees. As I made my way through the forest, the rain kept getting harder, and a muffled humming was to be heard. The humming started to get louder, and as I turned to my left, I saw a tall figure looking down at me. The figure was like it was frozen, it dared not be moved, it just stood there staring down at me. I backed away slowly, making sure I do it quietly.  As I got an appropriate distance away from the figure, it started to run towards me. I ran as fast as I could, but it was catching up. As it was getting really close, I tripped, fell, and the wind, and cars on the highway went quiet. Nothing was heard, and I started to search for my glasses, I was blind without them. I finally found them, but one lense was cracked. I put them on, and got up. I wasn’t in the forest anymore, I was somewhere different. As I got up, I noticed I was near a corn field on a farm. I started to head towards a barn, but stopped when I heard yelling nearby. “WHERE’S THE GIRL AT!” A familiar voice said. I ran towards a fence near the cornfield, and hid. “DON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT, ANSWER ME!” As I looked out, off in the distance, I saw a tall woman, with a giant blade. “WHERE IS SHE?” The woman screamed, and continued to do so for about a minute. The figure she was talking to wouldn’t reply back, so she picked the figure up, and killed it. “I’M DONE WITH THIS! I’LL JUST LOOK FOR HER MYSELF!” She screamed and walked towards the door to the barn. She slammed it opened and disappeared inside the barn. I decided to follow her, and when I went past the dead man, a sound was coming from the body, “S-s-sh-she’s in the barn, get her before it’s t-t-too l-l-la-lat-late. When I got to the entrance of the barn, I noticed the woman was destroying stalls with her blade. I ran towards the side of the barn, and climbed through the window. “Ali…… it’s your dad, where are you?” A voice said. I looked around, it sounded just like me. I started going through the undestroyed stalls in the barn, climbing under each one, quietly. The woman was imitating me but stopped, and started to scream in her voice, “WHERE ARE YOU!” The voice was thunder rumbling through the barn. I continued to climb under the stalls, and that’s when I saw her. “Ali!” I whispered. “Daddy?” She asked. “Come with me, we must hurry.” I picked her up, and I ran out of the stall, and the woman saw me, and started chasing after. I ran into the forest nearby, and the woman following behind yelled, “COME BACK HERE!” We were getting to the end of the forest, and I could see the lights from a house. As we were about to get out of the forest, the woman’s blade hit me on the back. I almost fell down, but kept moving, and soon we were out of the forest. My back aching, I turned behind me only to see the woman stop, and start walking back into the forest. My back only got worse, blood dripping down, I let my daughter down, and that’s when I noticed it. We were home! It was a miracle, we were home and this nightmare is over. That night I couldn’t get to sleep, all I could think about was that forest and what would've happened if I didn’t get to that barn in time. About a week later we moved, and that house and the forest is now a thing of the past, but it will only haunt me for years to come. 

Deadly Tales From Blackwater Forest: A Collection Of Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now