Too Much Work- DOB

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What a hottie 🥵


You have reached the voicemail box of-

I hang up the phone, ending another call that Dylan failed to answer.

I check the clock, its almost 1 AM; he said he would by home by 8.

Typically, I'm pretty forgiving about these things, especially since he was going over to Posey's to watch a Mets game; they probably just got carried away.

Typically being the keyword here.

Tonight, however, was not the case.

Dylan POV:

"Hey, T-Pose," I call, "What time is it, man? I feel like I've been here a while."

Tyler glances away from the TV and checks his phone. "Damn! Its already 1!"

Oh crap.

"Shit man!" I shout, starting to frantically collect my stuff, "I told Y/N that I'd be home around 8. She wanted to spend some time with me before she leaves tomorrow to start filming the next season of Criminal Minds."

Tyler grabs my jacket off the back of a chair for me and hands it to me as I make my way to his front door.

"Just call her," he says, "I'm sure she'll understand."

Yeah, he's probably right.

I reach into my jacket pocket to grab my phone.


"Are you serious right now?!" I shout, "I left my phone at home."


I finish talking on the phone with Jeff Davis, Criminal Minds' producer, grateful to finally get some good news. I turn off the tv that had I hadn't really been watching for the past few hours. I call Dylan's phone for what feels like the millionth time, starting to get worried. This time, though, I hear something upstairs. I cautiously make my way upstairs, grabbing a candlestick to use as a weapon if I need to. I keep the phone ringing, just incase Dylan answers. As I push open the door to our bedroom, I notice a phone. His phone. Hanging up my call, I walk over to the bed and grab his phone, then I start heading back downstairs when I hear the familiar rumbling of the garage door.

I head back to the couch and mentally prepare myself for the argument that is to come.

I hear the door open, followed by his footsteps entering the family room. I turn to look at him, but before I can even say anything, he starts talking.

"Baby I'm so sorry. I left my phone here accidentally which I assume you already know since you're holding it. Posey and I finished watching the game, but we just got really caught up in conversation and I'm so sorry babe. I know that's a shit excuse and I screwed up really bad, I just don't want you thinking that I don't wanna spend time with you before you leave because I love you so much and I get it if you're pissed at me because I would probably be pissed at me too so I guess I'll sleep on the couch and you can take the bed so that-"

"Dylan," I cut him off mid speech, "I'm not mad. Well, I guess I was before but I trust you and I know you well enough to know that you wouldn't miss a Mets game to be with another girl."
He chuckles at my statement.
"Also, I just got a call from Jeff and he said that they are pushing back the start of filming because Matthew injured his knee." I place my hands on his chest. "Meaning that I have another two weeks to spend with you."

His eyes light up and he proceeds to wrap his arms around my waist.

"That's great, baby! But are you sure you're not mad? Not that I want you to be, I just feel like I'd be kinda mad if you did the same thing."

"Well," I hum, "You're defined not getting any sex tonight, but besides that, I'm honestly too tired to even try to be mad at you. It's too much work."

He chuckles again.

"I'll take it."

He leans down and pressed his lips to mine, and I don't hesitate to kiss back. He deepens the kiss, putting his youngest into my mouth. After a while, he pulls back, in need of oxygen, and says, "Let's get some sleep."

I nod and he heads off to our room, grabbing my hand as he goes.

A/N: This was my first time ever writing an imagine so I hope you guys liked it! Also comment down below what your favorite Dylan O'Brien role is :)

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