Scene 14

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May, 21 1885
"Dear Dairy, I've been doing so well and helping more patients.  I'm not even nervous or paranoid or even scared about being attacked. Yes, I know it's ridiculous for a doctor to be scared. Especially towards his patients. But I'm starting to get a better handle on things. As for Henry...Well...I am still his doctor... but he's gotten so bad.

Andrew remembers seeing Henry and an attendent yelling at each other. Andrew walks over hoping that he can at least sooth the situation.

ANDREW(V.O. CONT'D) "There was this one time where he and an attendant where fighting. Henry accused him of stealing his ring, while he denied it. "

Henry started to breath heavily at the climax of his angry he aimed his right hand to the wall. A large creaked hole was created by the bloody somewhat broken but definitely swollen hand.

ANDREW(V.O. CONT'D"Henry got so aggressive that he punch a hole in the wall. The other patient seem almost frighten of him they avoid him like he's a wild animal. He doesn't even mind because he's started to avoid others as well."

The attendant backed away slowly. Andrew tap Henry by the shoulders and took him away from the crowd of an lookers.

Andrew looks at Henry out in the field. Henry, with bags under his eyes, stares back at him. However, his face becomes less tense as he waves "hello" with his bandaged hand.

ANDREW(V.O. CONT'D.) "I still can't help thinking that there's something else to his case. Or maybe I'm doing something wrong. Or maybe it's the environment... "Compared to someone as healthy as...I..."

As Henry turns around to get back to work. He reveals the right perfectly parallel and even slices on the back of his shirt.

ANDREW. E-excuse me nurse. I was just wondering. Why does Henry have holes on his back shirt?

NURSE. Oh that. Supposedly he rips them every time he has one of his night spasm. It's was really annoying because we used to have to sew them again every time. 

FRANK.Dr. Andrew. Can we talk? I've notice that one of your patients has been acting up. Is this true?

ANDREW. Well, don't they all act up. From time to time?

FRANK. Not like this. I've been looking over him and testing some treatments on him.


FRANK. It was original for his insomnia. But it seems there something else wrong with him.

ANDREW. How come I wasn't informed about this?

FRANK. I'm informing you now. It was during that weekend you left.  Anyway, he doesn't seem to be following orders or even listen half the time.

During this conversation, Andrew quickly glances at Henry who stopped working. Henry's grip on the pick ax loosens as he awkwardly shuffles forward then to a full on sprint into the woods.  

ANDREW. Henry! Where are you going!?! He ran away?

Henry disappears into the forest.  

FRANK. I'll go inform the attendants.

As Frank leaves. Andrew dots his attention at the crowd of patients in the field. 

ANDREW. Does anyone know what happened? 

PERSON 1. H-he screamed something about winter.

PERSON 2. And....and there he also said something about a rabbit a-and he needed it for w-winter. 

Everyone was just waiting around. When suddenly the three attendants finally arrived two of which had their arms around Henry's arm and practically dragged him out. Henry was holding something close to his chest. The attendant ripped it out from him and splatted onto to the ground. It was a white rabbit with splotches of reddish fur more intense around the four puncture wounds in his neck. His chest wasn't rising or falling. He just looked up at everyone with his unblinking eyes. Andrew threw up today's and yesterday lunch while Frank just stood there unfazed. Henry was dropped to the ground on his knees. He rocks back and forward with his hands under his armpits. Frank goes up and forcefully grabs Henry's left hand out of hiding. Henry almost takes his ahead but by force but doesn't when he sees his hand is normal.   

FRANK. You don't seem to learn do you? Take him to the basement. 

HENRY. What! No! you can't? Dr. Andrew, I can't go back!

ANDREW. Dr. Frank, it doesn't seem he wants to go.


ANDREW. So, maybe there....something else we can do.

FRANK. It's not up to the patient. They not in the right places to make decisions themselves. 

ANDREW. But it really seems like he doesn't want to go. A- and I'm m his doctor so I should have the finally say.

FRANK. Well I have seniority. I say he comes with me and you can deal with him afterwards.

ANDREW. Well... I

Superintendent enters into the conversation.

SUPERINTENDENT. What's going on here?

ANDREW. Ah s-superintendent.

ANDREW. Although I highly disprove approve of your actions. But .... you two both have more ... experience then do I... so..... I think it would be best for... Henry to go with Dr. Frank.

HENRY. What?

FRANK. Thank you. Alright gentlemen, let's go.

Frank and the attendants take a squirming Henry away as he screams how it was a very bad idea.

SUPERINTENDENT. You've made the right call. But I think you and I need to have a little talk.

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