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Chapter 11.

Paige's Diary Entry:

Entry Number 8
Okay so you're probably wondering why I'm not dead yet.
I said I was going to stop yesterday.
But I realized that I wasted that whole page on Abby.
Also, Brooke walked in when I was about to grab the rope.
So congratulations, Brooke, you kept me alive another day.
So here's my final goodbye.

Oops! I just got the page wet with my tears.
So like I said, mom, dad, Brooke, Josh, Chloe.
I'm so sorry for what I've done to you. I love you.

Maddie, Kalani, Kendall, Abby, you treated me like I was dirt. Little did you know that it would come up to this point.
The page got wet again, sorry.
Now, I don't want anyone besides the people on the list reading this.
And I want it to be read in this order:
My parents, Brooke, Josh, Chloe, Nia, Mackenzie, Maddie, Kalani, Kendall, Abby.
So, for once and for all.
-Paige Mackenzie Hyland.

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