i walked up to jaz's driveway , i came back ion feel like driving all the way home thats to damn far , plus niggas is high as hell
i got the the door knocking on it , somebody finally opened it i seen , they lil friend samiya opened the door
"boy why is you beating on this door at 5 am everybody still sleep"she said closing the door behind me
「 Sa'Miya Davis 」 >> pov change
i sat back down on the couch watching my show , im always up at this time so him knocking at this time didn't phase me
he sat down beside me , examining me
"damn problem ?" i said looking over at him , his eyes were red and low as fuck , im guessing he high
"na ma do you"he put his hands up in surrender, smiling showing his dimple , staring me down with his low red eyes , he licked his lips before looking down at his phone
Bitch Waterfallsssss
i guess i was staring cause he pushed my shoulder
"its not nice to stare"he said laughing , "well i didn't tell you that when you was staring"
"because i can do what i want"
"and i can to fuck"i said rolling my eyes
"nah but im sleepy as fuck" he said trying to lay his head on me
"you don't have a home?" i asked he looked at me as if i was crazy
"i do im just high , getting sleepy ion feel like driving fr " i nodded
"well im about to go to bed" i said grabbing my cover he stood up following me
"im coming to" , "coming where?" i looked back quick as hell
"to lay down nigga"he said following me into the room
"floor" i said throwing him a cover , "i ain't no dog" he said
"yes , your a dog ass nigga so lay down youll be ok" he shook his head , flopping down on the bed
"say how old you is"i laid down at the bottom ignoring him