Chapter 6

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Jonathan: Our College was attacked by the Black Lies Matter Terrorists.

Matthew: The Black Lies Matter hate group killed a bunch of Black Students.

We hid in a closet as the Terrorists kept yelling Black Lives Matter.

Jonathan: I was the first to get out of the Closet as the Black Lies Matter Terrorists were burning Black Freshmen with Flamethrowers and laughing.

Matthew: Jonathan and I agreed that something had to be done.

Jonathan: When we agreed to save the School, a Black Superhero came and kicked the Black Lies Matter hate group so hard they ran away crying for their mommies.

Matthew: And so the Iron-Fist Black Superhero Teleported.

Headmaster: You boys can can go back to your Dorm now, the School will be closed for awhile as we improve security and make sure no more hate groups get passed the large fence outside.

Matthew and Jonathan walks to their dorm room...

Matthew and Jonathan laying down on their bed...

Matthew: After the Black Lies Matter hate group looted Minnesota and killed a bunch of Black Guys I would think they would all be arrested by now with all those Antifa Fascists.

Jonathan: Antifa reminds me of Marvel's Purifiers but far worse.

Matthew: Now that I think of it, wasn't that Black Superhero that beat up the Black Lies Matter Terrorists our Neighbor?

Jonathan: Yes, his name was Marcus Luther King, the great Grandson of Martin Luther King that fought the racist Democrats his whole life and even protested when the Democrats used the Hose on Black People.

Matthew: I heard Martin Luther King was cloned and is now giving those Black Lies Matter Terrorists a Knuckle Sandwich with extra cheese.

Jonathan: I want to be in the second civil war and bring peace to America.

Matthew: It all starts with the Intolerant Media that divided America.

Jonathan: Donald Trump is recruiting a team to end the divide and I'm joining Reunite America Squad taking down the Tyrant Media that are obsessed with Imaginary Racism that continues to divide us.

Matthew: I'll be rooting for you, I want America to be back to seeing everyone as an Individual.


CNN doing an evil laugh...

CBS: Are you rehearsing what to say to destroy the Black Community in Chicago?

CNN: Yes, and my obsession to calling Trump a Racist and a Fascist.

MSNBC: Don't forget your lines, tonight is a perfect night for a lynching and ABC in KKK Robes will lynch a bunch of Black People that dare try to ruin our plans to kill all Black People.

CNN: Should we compliment Joe Biden for making Pedophilia Legal in the 2020 Election?

CBS: After Joe Biden takes all the guns and puts all Americans in Chinese Concentration Camps you could gladly report Joe Biden as the hero that put all Children in Prostitution.

CNN, CBS and MSNBC laughing...


Abraham Lincoln Clone: Today is the day we end the Divide.

Martin Luther King Clone: My Team will go to Stoneworks Drive to stop ABC from lynching a bunch of Black Americans.

Abraham Lincoln: My team will stop the Black Lies Matter Terrorists planning to plant a big bomb in Chicago.

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