Chapter 7

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Late at night...

Jonathan strips naked and turns on the Shower...

Jonathan gets inside and cleans his body...

Jonathan's Snakes Slithering inside Jonathan's eyes...

Jonathan sticks his tongue out...

Jonathan speaking Snake...

Jonathan walks to Katie's room and climbs in bed...

Jonathan spits in Katie's face...

Katie wakes up screaming...

Katie dies...

George: What was that sound?!

George runs to Katie's room...

Jonathan's Snake strangles George to death...

Jonathan goes back to bed...

The next morning...

Jonathan takes the car to his College...

An hour later...

Matthew: Jonathan, are you excited for class?

Jonathan sticks out his Tongue...


Jonathan's Snake strangles Matthew to death...

Jonathan farting out Snake Eggs...

Jonathan takes a Shower...

Security Guard knocking on the door...

Security Guard: You are late for class, get out of your dorm room.

Security Guard uses a key to open the door...

Security Guard screaming and runs out of the room...

Security Guard calls the cops...

Ten minutes later...

Detective kicks the door open and searches the dorm room...

Jonathan speaking snake in the shower...

The Paramedics takes the dead body...

Detective: These are Snake Eggs.

Security Guard: The Shower is on.

Detective: You said Matthew's dorm mate is Jonathan Syler?

Security Guard: Yes?

Detective: Jonathan Syler is an unusual case, he's half Snake.

Security Guard: How is that possible?

Detective: He was bit by a Belcher Sea Snake when he was a Baby, it transformed him into a hybrid.

Security Guard: Yikes!

Detective: Most people die from that kind of bite and they only bite when their provoked.

Security Guard: I wonder what provoked Jonathan to turn into a killer.

Detective: He was bullied and killed all his bullies, but this is very odd because Matthew was Jonathan's best friend and he killed his younger Sister and his Father.

Jonathan turns off the water and dries off...

Jonathan puts his clothes on...

Jonathan opens the door...

Detective: Freeze!

Jonathan gets his hands up...

Jonathan: What is going on here?!

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