Of course you are

801 30 17

Tris POV

I called Christina a couple of days ago and had her come out. I just knew that I wouldn't be able to get through the whole thing with Tobias and Clarissa. So what was Christina's graet idae to get my mind off of things? go shopping. We are in the car right now on the way to the mall right now. "shopping doesn't solve everything." i say. Christina gasps "you don't know that." i giggle and turn my attention back to the window. When we got there she parked amd stepped out of the car. I sighed and walked out of the car and into the mall with Christina by my side. "So where do you want to go first. maybe victoria secret to get something sexy so you can go get you a man." Christina says, winking. I rolled my eyes as I looked around the mall at the different stores. I stopped in my tracks when I saw a familiar tall boy with dark hair, wearing the Jacket I got him for his birthday I might add. Of course he's here. And he's smashing face with some girl that didn't look like his precious Clarissa. oops, I spoke to soon. Just then Clarissa with a bunch of bags. I can't wait to see how she reacts. "FOUR WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????!!!!!" Clarissa yells, her eyes almost popping out of her head. As expected. What I didn't expect wa swhat she said next. "WHAT ARE YOU DOIGN WITH HER BABY? HOW COULD YOU JUST SUCK FACE WITH SOME RANDOM WHORE. YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE SHE'S BEEN, MAYBE SHE HAS AN STD!! YOU NEED TO STAY AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND YOU LITTLE BITCH. WHO DO. YOU THINK. YOU ARE. YOU JUST NEED TO LEAVE YOU LITTLE PIECE OF-" I couldn't let her finish that sentance. So agaignst Christina's consent, I ran over there and tackled her to the ground. "Tris?" Tobias says, shocked. "I can't believe you would say that to that poor girl. you don't know her, you-" I start but am soon cut off by the devil herself. "HA, she deserved it and who do you think you are tackeling me like this. I guess you really are Fours stalker aren't you. Just like he said." my heart shatters at her words, but soon the heartbreak is replaced with pue rage. so much rage that I start seeing red. So, I go for it. I attack her, I start ounching her yelling at her about being a whore. But I am soon pulled off of her by Tobias, so I kick him in the groin to make him let me go. It works. As soon as he lets me go, I run over to clarissa and punch her in the face then kick her in the stomach. She doubles over and I elbow her in between the shoulder blades, making her drop. I kick her and walk away. I soon stop though and turn around "enjoy my sloppy seconds, because he won't be around much longer." she just laughs as I look at her in confusion. "oh but I think that he will be. because I'm pregnant. but the baby might be dead now you kicked me in the stomach so many times." My throat went out my butt and my heart in my feet. One, she pregnant, and two, she could have a miscarriage because of me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened. I take the little anger I have left and walk over to Tobias, who looks as shocked as I feel. I kick him as hard as I can in the groin, he groans in pain and drop. I'm so angry that I do something that can never be forgiven. "good job, Tobias." I say. he just looks at me with pleading eyes. "tris please don't do what I thnk you're about to do." He says still rolling around a little in pain. I just smirk. " oh but I'm going to anyway." I say as I turn towards Clarissa. "Four hasn't been completely honest with you. he was beaten by his father his whole childhood. too much of a coward to stand up to him. And he has TWO other kids. one with me and one with Lauren. Oops. but what he doesnt't know is that Ky isn't his kid." tobias seems to recover quickly. "what do you mean Ky isn't mine?" he asks through gritted teeth. I mentaly punch myself in the face. "I mean he's not yours." I almost whisper as Tobias nears closer and closer to me. "then whos kid is he." he says a few inches from me. "Zeke." I say croucing down. He has me cornered now. "WHAT!!!!" he says punching a hole in the wall right next to my head. I whimper. "YOU SLEPT WITH MY BEST FRIEND." he yells, once again punching the wall next to my head. I can't stop the tears from coming now. "I can't believe you cheated on me with MY BEST FRIEND!!" he says deadly quiet. "care to explain?" he asks, when i don't respond he get a few centimeters from my face. "I SAID EXPLAIN." HE YELLS. I can almost feel his anger radiating off his body due to our lack of distance. I sink to the floor and start crying. "I WAS RAPED OKAY!!!! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR??!! THAT I WAS RAPED. BY ZEKE, OKAY!!! by Zeke."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it!! I know you guys are sick of plot twists and cliffys but I just had to. anyway, I just want to dedicate this chapter to @lilyboo101. Thank you so much for heling me with this idea. This chapter was mainly all her ideas so thank you lily. I love you guys so much and be sure to vote and comment. Also, I just posted the first chapter of my new story. sickly love. so go check it out. BYE!!!!!

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