April 4

255 13 13

Our principal announced that we (the whole school) were going to have a costume party! I didn't know what to wear. Niether did Nikki ,Chloe, or Zoey. I caught Alex staring at me. Once he saw me, he looked away. Lia looked at me, angrily. I wonder what Alex told her? When the announcement was over, I went over to my locker to get my stuff to go to home. When I opened it, a note fell out. It read:
Hey Miley,
Meet me at the park!

I was EXCITED! I wondered what he had to tell me? I raced to the park and waited. I sat on a bench. 2 Hours Passed. He finally came. He sat down, and stared at me. My black hair flowed in the wind. We stared and blushed in silence. Finally, Alex broke it. "Uhh I needed to tell you that...." he interwined our fingers, "... that will y-you g-g-go o-out with m-m-me?" I gasped. "Yes, I will!" I said happily. He leaned in. He kissed me!! Sqeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I was excited and nervous. I blushed a beet red. He did a crooked smile and blushed. "Bye," he said, with that crooked smile. "Bye," I said, smiling greatfully. I can't wait to tell the girls. He forgot to tell where our "date" was.

Me: Hey Alex!
Alex: hey Miley! why did you text me for?
Me: you forgot to tell me where to meet!?
Alex: Oh ya! I'll come to your house.
Me: Okay!
Me: Bye!
Done texting------------------------------
I was so excited! Tell ya guys 'bout later

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