These monsters...

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Our car ran out of gas. "Oh no we're out of gas and completely surrounded!" Doggy said in defeat. We were stopped in front of the gallery "Looks like we'll have to cut through the gallery" I ran upstairs and saw a yellow key. I opened it and saw a bone inside. I heard loud footsteps. Father Pig was behind me! I grabbed the bone and ran down the stairs. Doggy was just standing there. "Doggy if I give you this bone will you knock out Father Pig?" He hesitated then grabbed the bone and smacked Father. He was knocked out. I looked around and found a hammer. I used it for the exit and some boarded up stairs. I opened the green door and saw you needed eggs for the exit key. I grabbed all the eggs. Father Pig chasing me. I grabbed everything for the exit and ran out. Doggy and I ran into the alleyway. "They just don't stop coming after us do they?" "Well at least you have yourself" "Well remember that arrest we made in the alleyway?" Doggy said. I remembered Doggy tasing the criminal and me putting the handcuffs on. "Well we weren't arresting those.... things." "Hey Y/N, your a good person. You always have been. You've always stuck to your morals and stayed yourself. It's people like you who can stop this. You still have your detective skills too" "Thanks Doggy." We both headed out if the alleyway to look for shelter. 

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