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'Oh yes,hello'

the person on the other end of the line says,stuttering a bit 'I don't know if you remember me,I'm Seungcheol,Choi Seungcheol.You know,Wonwoo's friend?'

' Ahh' Yeorim says,noticing him right away 'Yes,I do remember you.How do you do?'

'I'm fine thank you for asking,'he says,feeling nervous and giddy

'I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch with me'

Yeorim smiled,a bit baffled with the sudden invitation 'I'd love to'

'When can you be free?'

Seungcheol immediately replies,then mentally scolding himself for being too pushy

'Oh uh,let me check my schedule real quick' there was a brief moment of silence and paper flipping could be heard in the background.

The lad was anxious,he felt like a boy asking to copy homework from his crush just as an excuse to talk to her

'Seungcheol-ssi?' Finally!he mentally exclaimed,the tension he had build up plus the over thinking he had just done had put him a little bit on edge

'Yes?' He says,trying to sound as calm as possible 'I'm free tomorrow' he heaved a huge sigh of relief,

'Does tomorrow sound good to you?' the person on the other line continues

more than good he thought

'Yes.So I'll pick you up at 1?' He could hear a small giggle,he felt his face burn with embarrassment and he felt so jumpy maybe due to the fact it went great rather than he had hoped

'Of course,I'll see you then'

they said their goodbyes and hang up.

Seungcheol was ecstatic,he was jumping with joy,hugging Jeonghan and Jisoo at the same time whilst squealing.

Yeorim on the other hand was a bit baffled and confused.

Why would Choi Seungchol want to have lunch with her?why her?what was he planning?

She mentally scolded herself for agreeing almost immediately but then again,Choi Seungcheol was a good person,he was fun and sweet,adorable even so she couldn't have possibly said no simply due to the fact he was older than her.

It would be considered impolite anyway

😏😂okay I'm being weird.
That's it for chapter one enjoy!❤️


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