4 1 1

Days have passed,Yeorim was either sulking or working

She felt like crying all the time,there wasn't an exact definition to what she was feeling

She felt hurt,pained,angry,annoyed,heart broken and many more

She refused to cry,she didn't want to cry,she told herself to be strong countless times,over and over again

But of course Yeorim being Yeorim,she cried,late at night and until 4 in the morning

The pain in her heart was so intense,more intense than the last breakup she had years ago

This was different,she knew it

She hated the feelings she had,she hated having gone through this because it was the reason she avoided ever being in a relationship again

Most of all,deep down,she knew she had a fault,partially 2 1/2 of 4 was her fault and she hated herself more for that

Of course Seungcheol was new to the whole relationship thing considering he never had a girlfriend before

She understands,time and time again

But the last incident was beyond something anyone would've tolerate

He was accusing her of cheating on him,he was pointing fingers at her

That had hurt,she had been nothing but loyal and she always wished that he would learn to understand and comeby

But that was far from happening,she was distancing herself from relationships because she was afraid to be hurt again

She didn't want this but now it's happening

She didn't want to cry,she was normal during day time but the moment the sun sinks into the sky,she felt absolutely horrible

It seems like even such a little disaster was good enough to trigger her tears to stream down

She couldn't help it and she hated that

It had hurt that he never once called her after that night

It hurts that he didn't text,at least a short 'Hey'

It hurts that he just walked away like that

Did he not care for her as much as she thought?did he not...love her?

She preferred his annoying spams of calls and messages 'where are you?whate are you doing?who are you with?'

She wanted to be by his side again,to hear his laughs,his cringey flirting,his silly jokes,his charming smile

She missed him and how it felt to be with him

And thus,she cried her heart out once more

Wattpad is being a dick🤧I had to re-write this because the original one was auto-deleted

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