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'What do you want to talk to me about?' Seungcheol pipes,he looked so happy for some reason,giddy even.Yeorim shakes her head 'You go first,you called so its only fair'

It was true.Yeorim had decided to tell him tonight but she got a call from Seungcheol in the late afternoon informing her that he had something to tell her.Since Yeorim already had a subject of her own,she decided to tell him then.She informed him that she also had something to tell him so they decided to discuss it over dinner at her place.

'Okay' Seungcheol took deep breaths, 'You remember I told you about how the chairman wants a fresh personnel for Ceo?' 'Yes' Yeorim replied,listening attentively 'Well,the board of directors and share holders had a meeting yesterday and I was nominated' he says,lips curling into a huge smile 'And they chose me!' They both squealed and hugged,jumping up and down.

Seungcheol worked hard,he gave his all for Pledis and he truly deserved it.Anyone would say that.He was loyal and to say he worked his ass off would be an understatement.

Yeorim was indeed happy for him,she knows how able he was and was over the moon for him.Finally,he was getting his reward.

'That's amazing!' Yeorim says,embracing him tightly,matching his grip 'I'm so proud of you,I'm so happy for you' 'Thank you Yeorim-ie' Seungcheol murmurs,kissing her cheek 'It's all thanks to you'

Yeorim blushed 'What are you saying? I didn't do anything' Seungcheol smiled and pressed his forehead against hers,wrapping his arms around her waist as Yeorim wrapped hers around his neck 'You,you're my good luck charm' and again,Yeorim was as good as dead.

A simple word yet it was doing so many things to her.

Before she could speak,Seungcheol moved closer and closer until their lips touched.Now she was officially loosing her mind.

His lips were so soft and subtle,a tiny bit sweet even.It felt amazing.Her knees went weak,her heart thumping wildly at her chest as if it was going to jump out of her rib cage.Her belly swarmed with butterflies,her body tingling at the sensation of his touch and her toes curled.

The only plausible explanation-magical.

Who was this man and what exactly has he done to her?

She's never been this lovestruck for anyone,nobody had never made her feel this way before and she absolutely loved it.

It was official,she was crazy,dazed,under a spell perhaps and one thing was for sure,she was head over heels for this man.

Seungcheol pulled away,cupping her face and laughing right after 'You're all red Yeorim-ie' he laughed once more 'You are so adorable'

Yeorim just smiled,leaning onto the left side of her face,resting on the hand that cupped her. 'I can't help it' she murmurs,her voice low because she was too overwhelmed 'You make me feel this way'

Seungcheol then caressed her cheek bones with his thumb,staring lovingly into her eyes as he smiled 'I'm glad I am able to do so' he continued to caress her cheek 'Oh and what was it that you wanted to tell me?'

Yeorim stiffened,how will she tell him when he was in a good mood? Of course he'd most definitely understand but there's a gut feeling,screaming at her not to tell him,maybe another time.

Yes,another time,definitely not now.
There was this burning feeling of guilt though,she just felt bad and pathetic to tell her boyfriend that her ex wanted to be friends with her again like they used to.

She shook her head 'It's nothing of importance,' 'Really?' She nods 'Yeah,I just ran into an old friend and we're doing a bit of reconnecting is all'

He hummed, 'What do you say we celebrate it tomorrow,just the two of us?' Yeorim nods,melting into the warmth of his hand 'Sounds good'

A/n:Hi🤗I know my writing style sucks but since I was used to jotting down stories in notebooks it felt a bit weird to me and I was confused about the spacing,paragraphs etc but now that I've done a bit experiment and researchings,I think I found the perfect writing form so I'm giving it a try

It'll be more easy and convenient to read from now on!

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