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Harry's POV - Just for a little change ayeeeee

" What did you want to talk to me about? " I ask Samurai, my voice so quiet it's almost a whisper.

" I think you know already. " she hastily responds

" They told you, didn't they. "

" Not all of it. I wanted you to tell me the rest of this ongoing story. "

" Sam, I'm so sorry. "

" Sorry doesn't cut it this time Harry, you lied to me. "

" I didn't lie to you, I just didn't tell you. "

" Harry, it doesn't fucking matter, you sill had the decency to keep this big of a secret away from me. "

" But, I haven't told you what it is yet. "

" Well then, you have a lot of explaining to do. " if looks could kill, she would be the death of me

I inhale

Then exhale


" Samurai, when you were 16, your father had received the job opportunity at the ASHU, he had taken so much away from you, so I decided to put you in this place. It's not what you've always thought it was. This isn't a mental institution, it's a training centre. Since I put you in here, Katana and I organised to have you trained and properly medicated. Also, in 2 weeks, we will be put into an arena. Only one of us gets out of here, thats why your father couldn't tell you. The government, is full of people with hatred and they try to kill people as a punishment. You, myself, Zayn, Liam, Louis and Niall along with Katana, Nora, Storm, Archer, Rifle and Noah will have to fight to the death. Government orders. But, as I'm sure you know by now, we don't obey orders. Our plan is to make an escape, to run away and to never come back. Destroy the government all together. And as for you, you are the symbol of rebellion. That is why, after all these years, I only told you now. "


I look Samurai straight in the eyes. Her normal tanned complexion has turned to pale. She looks as if she going to faint, or puke, or both. She lets out a small whimper as a single tears rolls down her left cheek.

" Don't cry. " I plead, wiping it off.

Her face remains emotionless, she opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. She just stares into space, as more and more tears flow out from her tantalising, olive brown eyes.

" Samurai. " I cry, as I wrap my arms around her small petite figure. Once she embraces the hug she falls to her knees, taking me down with her.

" Harry, make it stop, it hurts. " She begs

" I know, I know. " I reply, rubbing small circles into her back.

" I- I have to kill you and Nora. " she sniffles

" No, of course not, didn't you hear what I said earlier, we're gonna get through this, I promise. "

" Promise is a big word, Styles. "

I'm startled at her words

" What do you mean? "

" I mean, what if my fathers plan doesn't work? "

" It will. "

" But how do you know that? "

" I don't. " I mumble honestly

" Well then. That answers that doesn't it. "

" Have some faith Sam. "

" Faith?" She chuckles, " You want me to have faith in the man who, might I mention, brutally raped me?! "

All I can do is stare at her, the person who I love, once so strong, is now broken.

" Save me the ' All you have to do is believe ' crap, cause I realised that nothing happens, unless you make it so. "

" Sam, what do you want me to say. "

" You've said enough don't you think. "

" Your sister isn't in danger. "

" What? "

" That's what you're really worried about isn't it, Nora? "

" She's the only person I'm certain I love Harry, I can't afford to lose her. Not now, not ever. "

" Why do you keep doing that? "

She gives me a look of uncertainty and confusion.

" Why do you always look on the dark side, look more into the light. "

" I apologise, it's what I'm used to. "

" Maybe I could teach you my ways. "

" Or, maybe I teach myself. "

" Either way, things will be fine. "

" Sure, they will? "

" Positively positive. "

My response makes her have the smallest smile on her face, better than to see her cry. A large banging noise comes from the door.

" Samurai Harris, Harry Styles. I think you to have had enough time in there. " Sarah interrupts

" We'll be there in a second. "

" No, you come now, and that's an order Styles. "

" But- "

" STYLES, IN THE HALL, NOW! " she screams

" Um, I think we should go now. " I say to Sam, jokingly

" No shit, Sherlock. " she responds

" Come on. " I say, as I grab her wrist. She flinches, and then eases.

" Uh - " she startles

" I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm not like that. We've been best friends for ages, why the sudden distance? "

" Because I feel like I can't trust anymore. "

" You can't trust me? "

" I don't know Styles, I don't know. "

" We're going to the main hall now. "

" Show me the way. "

I open the door and allow Samurai to go through the door. Is still can't believe she said that she's unaware of my trust. I would never do anything to hurt her. She has to know that.

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