Chapter 3:

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When we got back I went straight up to my room and put on my pyjamas. As I was looking through my closet I found my old blanket hoodie that i used to practically live in during highschool and put it on.

I walked into the kitchen to get a snack.
I opened the fridge and saw a half eaten chocolate cake in the back and took it out. I took out a fork and dug in.
It wasn't half bad either. Maybe a little dry but I'm not complaining.

"I can't believe you still have that."  I let out a little scream and dropped my fork.
"Jeasus christ Noah you scared the shit out of me!" I slapped his chest as he walked towards me with a huge smirk on his face.
"I just found it in my closet. I honestly don't know how I survived college without it."
"The amount of times I hid it, and you always seamed to find it. You know i considered burning it one?" He picked up a fork and began eating the cake with me.

I stood there with my jaw hanging open glaring at him.
"What?" He gave me an innocent look.
"You considered burning my baby?!"
"You try having your girlfriend prefer a blanket over you."
I scoffed. "That's not true." It so was.
"Mmmhhhmm. You tell yourself that Shelly."
I laughed and took a forkful of cake.

"So how long are you staying for?"
"Until Tuesday. Malissa has to work on Wednesday so we'll have to leave early."
"Right Malissa. Remind me to lock my door tonight."
"Did you not see the look she gave me when Lee dragged me off. I wouldn't be surprised if she chopped my toes of in my sleep."

Noah burst out laughing.
"Don't worry Shell I'd say there's about an eighty-five percent chance she won't do that."
"Eighty-five? That's still a big percentage left."
"So what'd you and Lee do because no one believed the whole cat story."
"What? We went looking for a cat."
"Elle you're allergic to cats. Like really allergic. Remember when one walked into the beach house?"

My the summer before my freshman year in college a cat found its way into the beach house and I got so sick I couldn't leave my room for nearly a week.

"We went down to the pier and ate popcorn until we puked. Lee just didn't want to seem rude leaving."
"Some brother he is." Noah rolled his eyes looking really pissed off.
"What happened between you two?"
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"It's nothing."
"Noah it's obviously not if he won't even talk to me about it." I pressed.
"Elle it really is nothing." He said sounding pissed off now.
"Noah I know you well enough to know when you're not telling the truth." I put my hand on his. "Look I know it's probably none of my business so I'm just going to leave it but just so you know he really misses you. He won't admit it but he does."

He looked up and met my gaze. My breathing hitched and my heart started pounding in my chest.

"Babe I-"

We both jumped to see Malissa standing in the doorway glaring at me. I needed to break the awkward silence;
"If anyone asks I had nothing to do with this." I said pointing down at the now empty plate.
Noah chuckled.
"I don't think anyone will believe that Shelly."
"You never know. Anyway I'm going to bed."

I was halfway up the stairs when I heard Noah call out.
"Oh Shell?"
I turned around.
"Don't forget your door." He said with an evil smirk.
I looked back at Malissa who was -big surprise- giving me a death stare.
Yup definitely locking my door!

After all this time (kissing booth fanfic) |DISCONTINUED|Where stories live. Discover now