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"Psh, just like him."

"Ah, I'm sorry! Fumi-sensei. Like who?"

Like Yoichi.

Fumihiko Hiro, sounds like a male name. But, it's actually the opposite and that's the reality.
She jolted from the response of one of her student,

"Eh? Oh..! Apologize, it's nothing, Futaba-chan."

Futaba squinted her eyes without Fumi-sensei realising.
"Let's finish this quick, okay? And then you may dismissed."

"Hm..Sure.." Futaba replied, still looking at Fumi-sensei whom
dropping a sweat.

"Are you really okay, Fumi-sensei?"

Fumihiko look at her before she pats her head.
'Why does everyone around me started to act like him?'

Without realising, she gave Futaba a warm glance,
Yet Futaba realised there's bit sadness in those warmth.

Like those eyes just lose sight of something thatkept them warm before.

Without saying a word, Futaba continued to help Fumi-sensei.

Time skipped, they finished their last work together.

Futaba stood up as soon as they finished everything, was planning to go instantly.
But then she halted right at the staffroom door before going back to Fumihiko's table.

"Oh? Did you perhaps left something, Futaba-cha-"
She was cutted off when Futaba suddenly throw herself at Fumi-sensei, without hesitating,
Fumihiko embraces her in her warmth. Returning back the hug.

"Fumi-sensei.. Thank you! Thank you so much for your all hard work! I appreciate
the times you are willing to spent on me. You were the first person to realised
that I wasn't being myself ever since.. Tanaka-kun disappeared.."

Fumihiko's eyes become somewhat gentle after hearing those.
"Futaba-chan.. You don't need to worry about that. Beside, that's how teachers also works, right?"

Futaba and Fumi-sensei release from each other's warmth.
"Or, maybe do you mean.. 'That's how Fumi-sensei works'"

"Why would you say that, hm?"

"..Because only Fumi-sensei seems to think like that! I don't see any other teacher would
be concern about our condition, as long as it wont trouble them!"

Fumihiko turns away from Futaba,
"You should be grateful, no teachers are around.."

"T-That's why! I'm saying this now! Since.. I know I won't meet, Fumi-sensei again.. After this.."

"Well, who knows right? We just don't know in what kind of circumstances we will
encounter again." Fumihiko sends Futaba a bittersweet smile.

Futaba starts to cry,
Fumihiko stands up, and once again, embraces Futaba in her arms,

"There, there.. You're such a crybaby, Futaba-chan."

"It's okay. I know you'll do well, Futaba-chan. Who knows.. He'll be back someday? Right?"
She continued, finishing her sentence.

:: Futaba's POV ::

-Present time-

Somehow.. Fumihiko-sensei were right. It's like Fumi-sensei were sent as my guardian angel,
right? Because everything she said comforted me when I was at my lowest,
and now, most everything she said also became true.

Tanaka-kun is in the same school as mine!

"You are a riot."

I'm shocked, how can he be so bold? That hurts..
But, that doesn't sound anything like Tanaka-kun I.. I love before.

"Well! You could've said something!"

Behind the shrine, their little reunion. Yet, somehow, many things has changed since back then.

"We can never go back."
Mabuchi Kou stated, maybe he had no idea how it shattered Futaba's heart, into many pieces.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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