Chapter 10 (Shoto Todoroki's POV)

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"You're selling us your son?"
"Yes. For a reasonable price, of course."

I was sitting on my father's left side while my mother, Fuyumi, and Natsuo sat on his right side in that order.

Hisashi Midoriya (I think that's his name) had come to the castle to sell his son to us after he heard of us trying to kidnap him.
My father was intrigued, but my mother and siblings seemed uncomfortable.

"Um, m-may I be excused?" my mother said. Her voice trembled as she spoke.
"No, you may not." my father replied harshly.

"I said no, Natsuo."
Natsuo slumped in his seat and crossed his arms.

"Anyways, how much exactly are you willing to sell your son for?" my father asked.
"Well, male Omegas are pretty rare, so I'd say...80,000¥."
(That's $997.36 in Canadian Dollars)
I turn my head slightly to look at my father and mother.

"Enji, no, this is-
"Shoto clearly stated he wanted him as his mate, therefore if we buy him, we won't have to kidnap him."
"But Enji-"

"80,000¥ it is." my father said, completely cutting off my mother.
"Pleasure doing business with you, Your Highness." Hisashi said before Keigo came in and escorted him out.

"You can leave now."
My mother practically shot out of her seat and ran out.
"Um, Shoto, can I talk to you for a minute?" Fuyumi asked. Before I could answer, her and Natsuo started dragging me out of the room.

We walked through the castle until we got to the library. Fuyumi looked around before pulling at the floorboards, which lead to our secret underground room.
We found that room years ago, and the only people that know about it are me, Natsuo, Fuyumi, Keigo, and...someone else.

They're a sore subject.

Natsuo basically pushed me down the stairs with him while Fuyumi trailing behind him.
Using the little handle under the floorboards, Fuyumi pulled it closed and lit a candle.

"What is wrong with you?! First the kidnappings, and now we're buying an Omega?!" Natsuo screamed.
"I'm not the one buying him. Father is." I deadpanned.

"But you know full and well that this is illegal. You're the favourite-you're the only one he listens to!" Fuyumi replied.
"He's the King, I'm pretty sure he's the one who can break a law without getting in trouble." I said.
"It doesn't work like that!" they both yelled at the same time.

"Woah, what in the world are you guys yelling about?"
We turn our heads to see Keigo frozen on the stairs.
"Our father is buying an Omega!" Fuyumi exclaimed before flopping down in an armchair.

"Isn't there a myth that our ancestors made a law against buying or trading Omegas after the Great Omega Revolution?" he asked, leaning against the wall.
"Exactly. It's a myth. If it can't be proven, it's not a law-"
"And what would Touya say about this?"


"Let him answer the question, Yumi."


"You are no longer my son. You are banished from my kingdom, you utter disgrace!"
Touya, who was only 11 years old at the time, was scared out of his mind.
"Enji, no, he's just a boy!"


Rei fell the floor. The red hand mark on her cheek basically glowed on her pale skin.
Fuyumi had Shoto in her arms while she, him, and Natsuo listened to the conversation from behind a wall.

Their own brother was being banished from the kingdom because he refused to let his father buy him an Omega.

Touya was a strong believer of Omega rights, even though he himself was an Alpha. He had a twin sister-an Omega-but Lord knows where she is now.

"Get out of my castle before I have you dragged out!"

Fuyumi peaked her head from around the corner, watching as her brother was picked up from under his arms and dragged out by two of the guards. Rei sat helplessly on the floor, knowing if she even muttered a sound things would get worse.

Fuyumi hugged Shoto tighter while Natsuo wrapped his own arms around his sister.


"I-I don't know..." I mumbled. If he were here, he probably would have strangled someone. Probably me.

"Exactly. You've always wanted to be just like Touya and make him proud, even when you were little. Don't do this." Natsuo said softly.

"Okay, I'll talk to Father."

...No I won't.
I bent my white ear down while leaving my red on up.

They both smiled and hugged me before going back up the stairs into the library.
"I saw what you did there." Keigo said, raising an eyebrow in the process.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You bend your white ear when you lie so that people can't tell that it's red. You aren't as slick as you think you are." he replied.

"...You're going to tell them, aren't you?" I deadpanned.

"Nope. I don't care what any of you do with your lives. As long as none of you die, I'm keeping my mouth shut-we don't need to start a family revolution."
I blinked a few times before nodding.

"Another thing you do when you lie is a plan a trip to Yokohama so you can get out of the kingdom, so shall I have the horses prepared?" Keigo asked, pushing open the floorboards and walking into the library.

"You know way too much about me."
"Hey, it's my job to keep the Prince alive and happy."
He walked away towards the stables while his blonde tail swished behind him.

I saw a black figure out of the corner of my eye.

"I'm disappointed in you."

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